We had a local sunday meet. It was first ever I set up so considering its going to be a weekly thing and this was the first one, not a bad turn out. Kinda turned into a honda meet though. Just thought I'd share some pics.
I took these with my roommates camera. Canon Rebel XSI. I just took them on Full Auto and used it as an everyday point and shoot camera.
She is full of fail and I'm pretty sure she lost some pics because I know I had more.
Sexi_Lexi's Lexus

(It's not purple, LMAO)
Her rims
Boosted LS Civic
S/C SRT10 Viper
Mustang wheels
Melissa(*Roja*) and Renee (Sexi_Lexi)
Eddies (Wrenchez81) GSR
Corey's Si (Corey, LMAO)
The gathering
Gettin freaky!
The honda's
not bad turn out. little cold in the south lol. thet red teg needs to invest in a 3dollar can of black spray bomb. cover all that over spray. the lex thats what a burgandy or...
I like the viper. The white civic with the gold rims is pretty clean. Nice to have people around with decent cars to hang out, looks to be a good turn out.
bluedriftcavy(a.k.a. wayne) wrote:not bad turn out. little cold in the south lol. thet red teg needs to invest in a 3dollar can of black spray bomb. cover all that over spray. the lex thats what a burgandy or...
Its kind of a black cherry color (a girl drives it). Its a custom paint job done very well...jams and all. It was a copy and paste from our local forum. Thats why it says "Not purple" everyone describes her car as "The purple lexus" and she's always correcting them saying "Its not purple." Here, not so funny...on the local forums its a knee slapper.
Its a little chilly still. Wasn't too bad. The red teg use to have a large front mount covering that opening. He just bought it and not sure what he's gonna do. He's been talking about a JDM front.
The white civic with gold rims is actually a wide body. Its decent...pretty clean but I think it would look better with regular body and less aggressive wheels. Its boosted, but still slow =/
We have our fair share of riced out, beat up cars, but we usually have a decent turn out of nice cars. Ranging from nice Honda's, Subbies, Evo's, Lexu's etc.. We get our every now and then vipers, wide body bimmers, supra's etc..