Rain will not be your friend

In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Alexis: Dustin, you're ghey, lol. I am better. I have tits, and tits rule all.
Why is that?
I always though HID was better all around?
Glare. My HIDs sucked in rain. at least on my cavy
Thanks for that guide.
I just always assumed that they were better.
Your kelvin is too high.
Highest you wanna go is 6k.
deftonesfan817 wrote:Your kelvin is too high.
Highest you wanna go is 6k.
My kelvin is right where I wanted it to be, thanks for your input though.
...Oh no I'm a big bad fake moderator...[
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8000k's put out ~2200 lumens. That's 1/3less light output than a standard 4300k HID bulb.
Most people don't go beyond 6000k.
[ o ][][][][][][][][ o ] coach built xj  ( o   \[][][][][][][]/  o ) hid wj