E Class Benz modded into a Rolls Royce look-alike.
I was hoping he was going to put it out of its misery and into the wall during the "burnout"....... other than that.....
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Sunday, December 13, 2009 8:07 PM
wow , a ricer honda with a 50" fart cannon sounds better , LMAO
wow, it must be a really powerful car to break traction in the snow...
Sounds like two bull moose humping in a small inflatable rubber watercraft.
In short, sounds like ass.
The exterior work's ok, but the engine sounds like it came out of a Model T.
Does it have a crank starter?
All-in-all, it could be worst. He could be driving an ice cream truck with a bear in it.
[ o ][][][][][][][][ o ] coach built xj  ( o   \[][][][][][][]/  o ) hid wj
Okay, all that money wrapped up into the car, and did anyone happen to look at the @!#$ty slumville like background?

2009 Ford Mustang V6
Okay, all that money wrapped up into the car, and did anyone happen to look at the @!#$ty slumville like background?
How is that different from....Detroit, Houston, La???
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart