Not bad. Can I live where you live?

M62, 42's, ZZP 3", ZZP S3 H/E
214whp 190wtq
Looks great, also seems like its a blast to drive!
Neat little car, looks like your drivers rear tire is in the wrong direction..i could be wrong lol.
Nice pix

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
gorgeous...I really like that color.
You know i like it

Those are fun little cars for sure.
But as said up there^ I think your left rear is mounted backwards?
I'll have to look when I go out if it's not pouring still.
SLK 32
Yea, it's on backwards. Can't believe I didn't catch that.
Some people say it's cute
SLK 32
I'd really like to know how to go from driving a basic car like a cav to a Merc. I worked two jobs last year and barely made it out without going into even more debt than I had (house, corolla, wife's never ending credit card bill)
2010 Honda Fit LX
For me it's simply money management, and I'm rather good at it.
One bit of advice that I will give you, take your credit cards and cut the bastards up. I went through the theory of "what if I need one?", and I haven't. I have one credit card with a $500 limited on it that I've had since I was 16 or so and that's it.
SLK 32
Talked with my tire dealer and they are going to fix it today... Another hour out of my day wasted.
Thank you ImportFyghter for pointing that out. It would have gone unnoticed for god knows how long.
SLK 32
Ha! I see your money management problem, I will give you a hint, it starts with a "w"
RaGiN Z (the fake 05) wrote:Ha! I see your money management problem, I will give you a hint, it starts with a "w"
True statement! Hahaha j/k
SLK 32
Very old post I know but gorgeous car! Love the color.
The post is only from December 2 (whole 8 days ago)
I got my tire remounted for a free and a alignment while I was there.
SLK 32