I'm seeing an insane amount of old cars that are priced way to high from dealerships, I have included a few examples. Is this the way the used car industry is going? Even dealerships have too realize they are asking Waaaaaaay to much, especially for car number 5.
WOW those prices are all nuts. Especially the Civic, Camry, and Saturn. Kick em in the @!#$in' balls man.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
wow those are f'n nuts especially the last 3....and wtf is the dealer on with that saturn
People Arent buying new cars=no trade ins=short supply=high demand= greater profits.
Wehat we need is a "used car czar" to regulate greedy auto dealership, and force them to sell cars at a lower price, while giving tax credits to low income earners to buy them, then recoup the taxes by raising business taxes on the dealers.!!!
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
LOL @ Financing a 1993 Saturn SL 1 for 9k
A cars value is whatever someone is willing to pay.
Car example #5 disproves that. No one will ever pay $9000+ for a Saturn that old.
Those prices are crazy.

Lol...as a dealer even I have to laugh at those prices..
But heres the fact of the matter, when people go car shopping they want to negotiate a huge discount.
What sounds better for the Saturn?
"If I could save you 6000 dollars today would you take the car?"
"If i can take 1000 off the price of the car would you take it today?"
So all it is is an artificial mark-up to show a larger savings.

Not unintentionally accelerating since 2009!!!!
You can partly thank the Cash for Clunkers program for used car prices going up. I'm guessing the 1 and 9 are mixed up on car #5 though, there is no way that car is worth $9,991. KBB says high $2,395 Low $1,070. The price for the Cavy Convertible seems fair though.
the cav looks mint, I would almost have to think about it. That's only because its my favorite trim and year. Tho, being a j-site I am a bit biased.
I'm calling dibs on that Saturn by the way, yall back off! I just got me a 12% interest rate for my financing! WOOT!
Mr. Michael T Drennan wrote:Car example #5 disproves that. No one will ever pay $9000+ for a Saturn that old.
um.... This doesn't in any way even remotely disprove what I said.... If noone will pay it then it's worth what they want to get.... kbb could say that Saturn is worth $25,000... But it's only worth what someone will actually pay weather it be 1,000 or 100,000
Used car prices in Ontario Canada have gone through the roof.
Supply is down.
I suppose cash for clunkers got rid of some of the older inventory.
Craig Lewis wrote:Used car prices in Ontario Canada have gone through the roof.
Supply is down.
I suppose cash for clunkers got rid of some of the older inventory.
Really? No junkers in Ontario? What's everyone in the northern half going to do without a supply of $500 beaters? You can't drive a ski-doo all year round (yes, I lived in northern Ontario for 19 years. I didn't know people bought new cars until I moved here)...
2010 Honda Fit LX
ive been looking for a newer car lately and have seen this as well... focusing on 02+ cav sedans mainly.
Kandyman: from my standpoint, seeing a 5 yr old (or newer) Cav with 80+k miles for close to 8-10,000 dollars....i dont even think about it. Overpricing used cars likes this comes off to me that they are just trying to rip people off really bad. Ive never heard of a dealer offering to save someone 6K...hahahaha oxymoron? if the buyer knows the true value of the car...then (again to me) it wouldnt matter if they listed the car for 2k more and offered to save me 1000 or so; or they offered at 10k over and offered they could save me all 10,000..... i know what the car is worth and listing it so high to try to make the "potential savings larger" is just bologna.
Do they think those cars are becoming antiques or nostalgic and crank up the price because of there age??
Godspeed wrote:ive been looking for a newer car lately and have seen this as well... focusing on 02+ cav sedans mainly. .
I've got an '02 Z24 sedan....
"I've got veins, that carry blood all over my bady"
Knowing a couple of used car dealers in my area I can safely say that the price of used cars has gone up cause the supply has gone down. All they talk about is how they can't purchase a car without it almost reaching retail at auction. They are not making anymore money than they used to when used cars were priced at KBB price due to having to purchase cars at close to retail.
New car dealers are surviving on used car sales and no longer sending them to auction to unload them and cash for clunkers took all the good used cars off the road.
So if you are in the market for a used car, go private sale. Still priced at KBB.
well well.... and in Cleveland
Considering I paid a hair over $8K for my Sunfire, BRAND NEW, in 2005, I definitely vote crack pipe on all of the above.
Currently #4 in Ecotec Forced Induction horsepower ratings. 505.8 WHP 414WTQ!!!
Currently 3rd quickest Ecotec on the .org - 10.949 @ 131.50 MPH!!!
exactly.... not to mention what the "value" of the vehicle (jbody) would do the second you drove it off the lot. if someone not knowing any better pays around 8 for a used jbody, itd only be worth 3-5k off the lot.... just another reason why i refuse to give any time/attention to dealers with sky-high prices...
nearly 10 grand for a Saturn SL-1? the SL-1 is the stripped down bottom of the barrel no options model. No power anything, optional A/C. You get 4 wheels and a motor, that car was probably not even $9000 when it was brand new in 1993. That's obnoxious, there is no excuse to ask that much for any of those cars, not even as a negotiation tactic. I wouldn't negotiate it down a $1000 and be satisfied. Because if i went to sell it tomorrow it'd still only be worth $1500, but i'm in the hole in financing $7000. It doesn't matter if the dealer wants $9000 for it the market value is not that high, nor will an insurance company give you $9000 for it in a total loss. So the dealer is ripping off the consumer.
The value is not what someone will pay, only an idiot will pay far over the market price. Because if it's worth $2000 or less that's it's worth period. You go to sell it or wreck it that's all anyone will pay you for it.
2007 Corvette Z51 | Suzuki Swift GTi SCCA racer | 2008 Edge
I guess some Jbo members are following suit.
^^ pay close attention to the last two lines. This girl makes me face palm.
Mr. Michael T Drennan wrote:I guess some Jbo members are following suit.
^^ pay close attention to the last two lines. This girl makes me face palm.
What a dumbass she is. Basically you waste all this time reading this ridiculously complex and detailed run-on paragraph that's a break down of every stereo component in the car. Only to reach the end and they tell you none of it is included in this 1998 Sunfire with 112,000 miles. And it will be sold to you "as is" bone stock for $7500. Why even list all that crap in the ad if they have no intention of selling it with the car?
Stupid people just amaze me.
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net