When I'm finished school next year ill be looking to replace the sunfire, which is getting pretty beat up, with something newer. I was looking to spend 8 to 12 thousand CAD. Basically Im looking at probably getting a base cobalt or something. Any other suggestions? It has to have good fuel economy and be able to take high milage, cause if I dont move next year ill be driving 70 km one way to work every day. Thoughts?
+1 on the base cobalt. but then again i'm kinda chevy biased.
Not sure if you are looking new or used. Base model civic or corolla get good mileage.
Awhile back my buddy had an 03' Corolla he had it modded, charged etc, when it was stock he was pulling 30's in the city and 40's on the freeway.

Lanman31337 -F = fatties = do not want. A little chunk in the junk is ok though.
find a 5 speed base cobalt.
Rememeber kids... spell check is your friend
If it were me, I'd find a used civic/corolla. Great on gas. Reliable. Just the thing for a new grad just starting out. You can get a lot of car for that money
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
Im not a Toyota fan, so I wont be getting a Corolla, civic is a possibility. Is there anything else that comes to mind?
im bias also but N/T Eclipse or Talon. They look good, easily and cheaply modded. and i can pull around 30mpg with mine
Yes, look into the Hyundai elantra. Don't think you'll find an 07 in your price range, but an 05-06 might be doable. My brother has an '01, and it's been a great car. Really good on gas too. Hyundai has made great strides and is on quality with the other big Japanese cars now. Go test drive a 5 speed elantra and tell us what you think.
“Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very Internet you invented. Oh, oh, the irony!” -Jon Stewart
I'm biased, but I'd say used Corolla. They're so much lighter than most cars in their class (except the new 10th gens), it makes them fun to drive without much power. Even on stock suspension, mine can hack the corners pretty well if you know how to brake and carry the body through.
2010 Honda Fit LX