Well im helping a buddy who has an 86 camaro vin F that hasnt ran in 17 years. Has only 64k miles on it. It was his grandmothers car. Only thing that we know about the car is that there was coolent leaking into the interior of the car (heator core) and that it was parked outside for 3 days and someone stole the passenger door and that the keys are no where to be found. So since then it has sat in their warhouse for 17 years.
So my game plan was to picked up new spark plugs, plug wires, oil &filter. Just to see if we can get it to start. Today i changed out the plugs and the wires pretty much were dryroted into sand. LOL And got the oil changed... which looked suprisingly good. Anyways i have no clue how the wires are routed im assuming similar to a SBC. If so then piece of cake. With the plugs out and the new battery in i put some oil into the cylinders via the plug holes and turned it over. Cranked fine. I also replaced the ignition lock/switch. Tomorrow i plan on getting the new plug wires routed and hopefully get it started.
On with some of the pictures.
Moved over 12 TONS of steel bars out of the way
Hood off yuck 305

]:-> 287 TimeSlips In Hand. Car Still Runs Strong... 3 Differentials Later ]:->
thats a cool warehouse you got there!
WiGM-Tuners member.
no old gas sitting in that thing? that would be what i would worry about first
tank is below the E sooo... hopefully not much if any gas in it

]:-> 287 TimeSlips In Hand. Car Still Runs Strong... 3 Differentials Later ]:->
Is it an IROC? It has the wheels and looks like the hood louvers.
Once you get it running you'll probably wanna go thru the brakes. Does it even have any brakes?
x2 on draining the tank and replacing the fuel filter. You can bypass the heater core just to get it running
Any update on this???

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me