Bought this back in late April, found a deal that was too good to pass up
Anyhow, was too busy riding to post up about it or get and decent pictures
But now that I am deployed and have some time on my hands, here she is
Once again, please forgive the crappy quality cell phone pics
Edit: fixed finally
Edited 3 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, June 10, 2009 11:01 AM
Sorry, they are linked from my profile, figured they would work.....
No access to photobucket or the sorts from base here
I'm seeing it now.
That bike looks sick. One very few HD I so dig.
>>>For Sale? Clicky!<<<
-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----
that thing is ridiculous! i am jealous
Nice ride.. Flat black Night Rod... This is the ONLY Harley I would ever buy.
awesome, im stuck between gettin that or gettin the new muscle.... i love the night rod though
Welcome to the club! It's a good feeling, eh?
DrPaul: Yeah, I was stuck between that decision as well. But after sitting on the Muscle I made up my mind. I am only 5'6 and the seat and ride height are slightly different than the Night Rod and made it a bit more uncomfortable .
Brown Eye: Yeah, it is a GREAT feeling! I told ya I was looking at one and finally bit the bullet. Made it even easier since the wifey said Yes as well
Looking into Intake, Exhaust, Programmer, and some bags
Would really like to get the Muscle rear fender and get the bags for the Muscle, as those are the only ones I like on these bikes. I realize that will take a bit of work, and if I go with the V&H 2-1 pipe I could be able to use them.
We'll see, I have four months to plan for when I get home
absolutely beautiful !
Where I work:
What I take for Memory and Focus:
Focus Fast
Loud pipes save lives
And this will one be rather verbal as well
LarryMartin830 wrote:sleepy sunfire wrote:Nice ride.. Flat black Night Rod... This is the ONLY Harley I would ever buy.
x2 i hate loud bikes
Till you rode a bike with stock pipes and get cut off by a person that didn't know you were there. Then you'd LOVE pipes
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM |
Beauty of a Bike and Car
But a shame they were taken with such a @!#$ty cam phone
Get some good pics
Actually my camera on my Storm take fantastic pictures when I take my time.
These I just snapped to send to friends quickly because I didn't care what they looked like, I just wanted to get back on and go riding
Just me, when I get home I get my DSLR out and get some nice pics of it
Loud pipes. Don't believe that @!#$. While my exhaust is still louder than stock, when I'm just cruising between 3-4000rpm the pipes are not loud. I have been cut off in traffic before, but I cannot think of one time where "loud pipes save lives." A friend of mine has a Sportster with V&H Shortshots (read: pretty loud) and when we ride together we still get cut off occasionally. The key to not dying is to pay attention while you're riding. Pretend like everybody is out to get you, because they usually are.
The motto should be "Idiots with loud pipes who constantly rev them like tools piss off everybody."