Sweet pics! I bet everybody at your work is tired of your camera, lol. Are you joining the military? Or am i thinkin of someone else?
Yes the Airforce, I leave June 30th
Awesome, best of luck. Lackland is a hot place in july/aug. I know from experience.
Is there anyway to see a pic of the car without pictures with ungodly amounts of editing? All your pics of everything you take pics of look the same and I just want a clean picture of the car with NO editing. Color looks pretty damn nice from what I can tell.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
There is almost no editing, Noise reduction and a small amount of sharpness.
So no. I cannot remove non existent "ungodly" amounts of editing...
What kind of camera/set up are you shooting with?

Disclaimer: I will probally offend you with what is written in this post.
Canon 40D, Kit 28-135mm, Circular Polarizer, 580EX Flash when needed(Not in those pics)
Pics look so good they look fake,I agree with JL maybe less resolution,I dunno,sweet car anyways

15.2@89mph 2.171 60ft. 9.830 1/8 R.I.P. "LULU"
Chazz with the Camera(SpyWiz) wrote:There is almost no editing, Noise reduction and a small amount of sharpness.
So no. I cannot remove non existent "ungodly" amounts of editing...
Your either lieing or something is majorly fcked up with your camera.... I'd be pissed if I every picture I took looked like horrible HDR right out of the camera.
Its HDR, but not edited. Just combined them with Photomatix, Noise reduction and Sharpness/Clarity
Nothing is wrong with my camera, and I'm not Lieing. Maybe you just don't know what your talking about.
PS for anyone who did not notice, this thread is about the Car, Not my photography. Sorry you failed to understand that.
HDR: (Compiled, Bumped the Clarity and Cropped slightly)

Original -0-EV Changed Straight from RAW to JPG, NOTHING done to it Not even HDR: (Check ExiF if you know how)
ExiF if you cant...: Exif Sub IFD
* Exposure Time (1 / Shutter Speed) = 1/500 second = 0.002 second
* Lens F-Number/F-Stop = 35/10 = F3.5
* Exposure Program = aperture priority (3)
* ISO Speed Ratings = 125
* Exif Version = 0221
* Original Date/Time = 2009:05:12 12:33:57
* Digitization Date/Time = 2009:05:12 12:33:57
* Shutter Speed Value (APEX) = 8965784/1000000
Shutter Speed (Exposure Time) = 1/500 second
* Aperture Value (APEX) = 361471/100000
Aperture = F3.5
* Exposure Bias (EV) = 0/1 = 0
* Max Aperture Value (APEX) = 375/100 = 3.75
Max Aperture = F3.67
* Metering Mode = pattern / multi-segment (5)
* Flash = Flash did not fire, compulsory flash mode
* Focal Length = 28/1 mm = 28 mm
* Original Subsecond Time = 16
* Digitized Subsecond Time = 16
* Focal Plane X-Resolution = 3888000/876 = 4438.36
* Focal Plane Y-Resolution = 2592000/583 = 4445.97
* Focal Plane X/Y-Resolution Unit = inch (2)
* Custom Rendered = normal process (0)
* Exposure Mode = auto bracket (2)
* White Balance = manual (1)
* Scene Capture Type = standard (0)
Car is nearly 100% Identical in both the ORIGINAL UNEDITED and the HDR, the Only thing different is the color came out Richer and deeper....
Over-edited? I think not...
Now you Fail, STFU, and GTFO
AND if you want a more colorful HDR then here you go:
And everyone don't forget, If Darkstars doesn't like it, then its WRONG! And things like HDR can ONLY be used for what they are intended, You are WRONG if you use anything(like HDR) to make an Image YOU WANT!
It's not to make a picture look retarded and fake, the whole point of HDR is make the picture look REAL
Whoever enjoys looking at my "Retarded and Fake" Pictures, As I have seen many who do, feel free to continue. This includes the 60,776 Distinct hosts served and 5,388,038 Requests to my website. Im sure they all agree with you Darkstars.
Chazz with the Camera(SpyWiz) wrote: And things like HDR can ONLY be used for what they are intended, You are WRONG if you use anything(like HDR) to make an Image YOU WANT!
You cant argue with that. They are your pictures, take them and edit them as you please.
Photography is so subjective. Telling someone that they are taking and editing pictures the wrong way is like telling a painter they did their painting wrong.
At the same time, i dont think you can claim the vette pics have "almost no editing."
Ryan hit on everything I wish I knew enough to say. All your pictures(whether you say so or not, and whether some people like them or not), have too much editing for my taste. And every time someone calls you out on it, instead of posting unedited photos and calling it good, you just cry because we don't agree with YOUR PERSONAL TASTE in the final product. God you are the most touchy person when someone doesn't like something of yours. And you have yet to understand the whole thing about internet forums. You could post a picture of your car to show off the new hood and people will comment on your house in the background. Cry a @!#$ river when someone criticizes your photography when you post a picture of a Corvette. Damn dude you can be a bitch.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
sorry but i agree with the haters. am i the only one that thinks most look out of focus? i really dislike them.

87 Firebird
All stock...........lol.
Its a plain fact that certian people on here whine and complain about ANYTHING I do, I am used to that. If I had given a @!#$ about what any of the @!#$s on here thought I wouldent have been still constantly taking pictures for the past 2-3 years and posting them. I also would have not bought another J-body after my Fire.
Jackass's who talk @!#$ about my work and what I do over the internet are nothing new to me. I doubt a majority of them would have HALF the balls to say a thing in person.
So for clarification, I am a bitch because they are entitled to voice there opinions on my work but I am NOT allowed to contest that,.... Right.... and IM the bitch...
So bring it on, because I really don't give two @!#$s what you think if your just going to talk crap about what I do for fun. Its what I like.
As for the Clarity issue its because its low res, so here is a 1024x768:
I'm not trying to jump on a bandwagon either way, I'm usually a fan of your pictures and like how they come out, but I'm going to have to argue against this example.
Chazz with the Camera(SpyWiz) wrote:HDR: (Compiled, Bumped the Clarity and Cropped slightly)

Original -0-EV Changed Straight from RAW to JPG, NOTHING done to it Not even HDR: (Check ExiF if you know how)

Car is nearly 100% Identical in both the ORIGINAL UNEDITED and the HDR, the Only thing different is the color came out Richer and deeper....
Over-edited? I think not....
The original one looks like it has better color to me, the edited one looks desaturated. Like I said, I'm not bashing either way, but in my opinion the original looks more colorful.
Visit Fusion 9 Design for all your web design needs.
And before somebody replies saying "no @!#$ the original is more colorful because everything excluded the car IS desaturated in the edit", I'm aware of that, I was talking only about the car.
Visit Fusion 9 Design for all your web design needs.
1. The higher resolution pic still looks blurry to my eyes.
2. Do not make threats and assume that people "wouldn't have the balls" to say it to your face. Anyone on here who knows me KNOWS I will say what is on my mind no matter what, and I especially don't take well to threats. I also don't care if your scrony goofy ass is joining the military, DO NOT make threats and try to be a tough guy and act like you are something special that would deter people from saying anything to your face. Have a nice day and don't you DARE show up to the bash with that attitude.
On the other hand....you have other fingers.

In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
When your HDR's have a glow around everything that's dark colored you know your doing it wrong, like the bike against the sky for example. There is a huge difference between having your own style and being unable to come up with quality results. You can claim this crap to be unedited all you want, its blatantly obvious looking at the original and then the super crappy version that there's a big difference. As for how many people joined your fan club.... look at how many people on this website think the cavalier is the greatest thing on the road, same goes for your pictures. I can see why people like them, if photography wasn't one of my hobbys, if I hadn't taken classes on it, and didn't know the basics, if I was someone with a point and shoot and was happy with it I would probably look at your pictures and think wow that's pretty cool, my pictures don't look like that (when in fact all they have to do it buy a cheap HDR program to butcher their pictures for them.)
I think Dustin's point about you being a bitch is that most people get criticism and try to learn and improve, most people practice and hone their skills, you come up with the same garbage over and over and over and over with the @!#$ you it's my "style" attitude.
first and foremost, i believe this thread started because chazz was trying to show a car he worked on at work. i would like to say that i enjoy seeing the pictures you take. you have an artistic vision that apparently some people dont have. if there werent people with artistic vision then we wouldnt have seen works from picasso or van gogh because it wasnt with the flow what everyone else wanted to do. continue to be creative and keep the awesome pics coming!
JLAudioCavalier wrote: All your pictures(whether you say so or not, and whether some people like them or not), have too much editing for my taste. And every time someone calls you out on it, instead of posting unedited photos and calling it good, you just cry because we don't agree with YOUR PERSONAL TASTE in the final product.
You say he crys because you dont agree with his taste.
But here you are crying because he doesnt agree with your personal taste. You say his pictures are too edited for
your personal taste. Maybe they are just right for
his taste.
Hopefully one day I will own a Z06

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me