so im looking to get a new car. ive fallin in love with the audi s4 and the tt. my buddy has a s4 and i love it. amazing. anyone heard anything abd about either of these cars? i would like to be disappointed before i buy it and find out its a peice of shizznit. please any feedback would be nice. thanks guys.
repairs will be expensive. i dont own either, so i couldn't say much on reliability, but i do know that they are expensive as hell to fix.
On the other have other fingers.
In my family we teach that boys have a God-stick and girls have a Shame Cave. -John Stewart
which ones?
older 2.7 twin turbo S4 or the newer 4.2 V8 S4?
older 1.8 Turbo TT or a newer 2.0 Turbo or V6 TT?
for the s4 i would perfer the older 2.7 twin turd and for the tt i would perfer the 2.0 turbo.
Why don't you Google it and look for owners reports.
i hadnt thought about that but its a good idea. i just figured i would come to jbo first thinking i could get a better response.
Audiworld, Audizine are the first two places to look for some stuff about these.
Personally, the 4.2 V8 is a MONSTER of a car. Quick, but yet, a lot of luxury as well. Also, 4 doors, nice V8, and AWD are all perks to me.