Infinity FX Bi-Xenon Projector Retro - top
Nissan 350 Low Beam Projector Retro - bottom
[ o ][][][][][][][][ o ] coach built xj  ( o   \[][][][][][][]/  o ) hid wj
i like the FX one myself... looks cleaner
the 350z headlights are covered with some xpel film which makes them look a little blurry.
[ o ][][][][][][][][ o ] coach built xj  ( o   \[][][][][][][]/  o ) hid wj
from what ive read youre one of the few
are those for a 99-04 jeep grand cherokee ??
I guess its nice to see some of the 30+ sets of FX lights I sent to josh are being used
indibluemini3 (aka navycav3) wrote:from what ive read youre one of the few
To my recollection, there was only one guy on j-body complaining about Josh's work,
and he was an idiot with unrealistic expectations. Josh offered to fix everything, but
the guy prefered to bad-mouth him anyways.
Tyler Lemburg wrote:are those for a 99-04 jeep grand cherokee ??
ecotecpower wrote:I guess its nice to see some of the 30+ sets of FX lights I sent to josh are being used
it's a popular projector I guess lol
[ o ][][][][][][][][ o ] coach built xj  ( o   \[][][][][][][]/  o ) hid wj
Ok, I admit, I was oblivious to that thread. I knew about 1QUICKJ from before, but that guy was a complete douchebag. The thread you pointed out had a few people genuinely concerned about delayed orders (which sucks), and 2-3 people using alias trying ruin Josh's reputation (which sucks just as much).
I think the most important thing to remember is that JOSH NEVER STOLE MONEY FROM ANYONE, and 99% of the guys that got their lights were ecstatic (myself included). It's hard to find someone that does competent HID retros, and Josh is certainly one them. However, it looks like he bit off way more than he can chew. I know his friend Greg has been helping out allot - his Jeep WK dual projector bi-xenon set-up is insane. Greg's also working on some custom front signal marker led boards for my XJ.
[ o ][][][][][][][][ o ] coach built xj  ( o   \[][][][][][][]/  o ) hid wj
AFAIC, Josh is in bind because he's got too much on his plate. It's a bitch to have to hand-make everything, and the only thing I'd say he may want to do is start to automate... but that's not my call
do you have any pics of them at night or a little further back. im looking to get some for my 04 wj
GAM (The Kilted One) wrote:the only thing I'd say he may want to do is start to automate... but that's not my call 
Honestly, I have no clue how you'd go about automating his work. No two headlights are alike, and his client base is too varied.
Tyler Lemburg wrote:do you have any pics of them at night or a little further back. im looking to get some for my 04 wj
only one crumb-bum pic I took with my cell phone camera a while back,
BUT I will get a bunch of pics when the FX lights get installed. 350Z projectors
have a nice clean cut-off, but they don't produce as much light as they should.
[ o ][][][][][][][][ o ] coach built xj  ( o   \[][][][][][][]/  o ) hid wj
For the more popular models (I'm guessing Sunfire/Cav/Civic etc) it may be an idea. Also, I believe there are home-based CAD/CAM machines that allow you to design and create a prototype and then you can get it mass-produced by a factory or a small-run plastics manufacturer.
I haven't ordered a set, but I figure it might be an idea to take the hand-working out of the process if he wants to catch up.
I sent mine back for repairs after they were only on the car for a week. It has been a year since I sent them back and he still hasnt sent me the repaired headlights. To make matters worse, he won't answer his phone or the emails I have sent him inquireing about my purchase. A few of those emails were even sent from his website.
And he has definetly bit off more than he could chew. If you google 'izn trbl' there are hits for just about every type of car club with him drumming up more business. From delta platforms on cobaltss and ionforums to scionlife to jeep and everything in between.