Chinese car safety - Other Cars Forum

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Chinese car safety
Saturday, June 23, 2007 7:59 AM
Link to article and vids


hina's Brilliance BS6 is a recent entry into the European market, positioned as a premium-style import sedan at a budget price. Well, after seeing the videos of the car undergoing crash testing using Euro NCAP guidelines at the ADAC (Germany's AAA, essentially) test center, one thing's certain: buyers get what they pay for. The BS6, as currently constructed, appears to a complete piece of crap. The horrifying 40 mph offset frontal crash test video shows damage that can be described as catastrophic at best. The A-pillar collapses and folds up like a cheap suitcase, forcing the driver's door to pop largely out of its frame, while the lower portion of the car buckles like it's made of recycled pop cans. We wouldn't want to be the driver's legs...or any other part of him for that matter. To open the mangled door afterwards, the ADAC techs needed to use a huge crowbar to get it to budge. ADAC notes that the pedals intruded a foot and a half (32 cm) into the driver's space, while the IP moved in almost 8 inches (20 cm). Needless to say, the BS6 failed the test, garnering just 1 star.


Re: Chinese car safety
Saturday, June 23, 2007 8:39 AM

Re: Chinese car safety
Saturday, June 23, 2007 8:57 AM
so does the BS in the Brilliance BS6 stand for bull@!#$ excuse for a car or is it Chinese for "top secret plan to kill all the Americans."

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Re: Chinese car safety
Saturday, June 23, 2007 9:58 AM
They're starting in Europe first

I'm gonna go out on a limb here that these cars won't make it onto the road... Germans don't like cars that fold up like a pita bread.

Either way, most car companies can start this way and end up with a great car in 3-4 years, every other car manufacturer has had to go though this, it's growing pains... they'll put out a decent product in a few years.

Re: Chinese car safety
Saturday, June 23, 2007 10:18 AM
Why am I not surprised?
China is known for making incredibly crappy, unreliable, bad imitation, cheap products and now they want to go world wide with selling cars, so naturally I always wanted to see a car crash using their products, so here it is.
What is even more sad is, DCX is together with Chery (a Chinese auto company) and Chery wants to use DCX to enter our market.

Geez, their is more intrusion damage on the cabin then on the hood/doghouse/bonnet area.
Damn, I hate Chinese products.

>>>For Sale? Clicky!<<<
-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

Re: Chinese car safety
Saturday, June 23, 2007 1:48 PM
If they sell a car for under 10,000 or a RWD coupe for under 15,000$ they got my money. I'm looking for a car, not a tank.

Re: Chinese car safety
Saturday, June 23, 2007 2:39 PM
Knoxfire wrote:If they sell a car for under 10,000 or a RWD coupe for under 15,000$ they got my money. I'm looking for a car, not a tank.

Even though a potential simple accident leaves you without legs?

How many steps to heaven, Doc?
...Ah, metaphysics.
Re: Chinese car safety
Saturday, June 23, 2007 4:36 PM
what legs? i clearly see the dummy's head almost jumping out and touching the side view mirror/


- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
Re: Chinese car safety
Saturday, June 23, 2007 8:35 PM
That thing folded up worse than a Dodge Neon. That's nasty
Re: Chinese car safety
Sunday, June 24, 2007 4:51 PM
Finally.. A car that does worse than a cavalier at frontal crashes..

Red 2005 Saturn Ion-3 Coupe
Re: Chinese car safety
Sunday, June 24, 2007 5:01 PM
Jonathan Pike wrote:
Knoxfire wrote:If they sell a car for under 10,000 or a RWD coupe for under 15,000$ they got my money. I'm looking for a car, not a tank.

Even though a potential simple accident leaves you without legs?

I guess I'll have to avoid accidents then. ALL cars have risks. You think a 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T would do any better in the crash tests? Junkyards used to be littered with "death cars" back in the day. Even in the 80's cars were pretty crumply. Whatcha gonna do? Life is replete with risk. Think motorcycles are safe? How about a convertible in a rollover? Heck, even a garden variety SUV really isn't all that safe since it doesn't have to pass any of those crash tests (not the car SUVS, I mean the truck based ones) and even if they end up not crumpling like a beer can, I can guarantee a lot of pain for the driver since it must be like being dropped off a building while being locked inside a safe. In a SUV the crumple zone is you.

Anyway, the point is that driving itself poses a risk and I'm not one for the nanny culture. As long as I know beforehand the risks and can make an educated risk assessment, I'm fine with it.

Re: Chinese car safety
Sunday, June 24, 2007 8:19 PM
avoid accidents?? so are you psychic? cuz im pretty sure by definition accidents are "an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss; casualty; mishap: automobile accidents"

... soo good luck with that!

you can be the most save, careful, alert driver alive.... but unfortunately its usually everyone else on the road you have to worry about.

Re: Chinese car safety
Sunday, June 24, 2007 8:24 PM
i doubt our J's do alot better than those......

Re: Chinese car safety
Sunday, June 24, 2007 11:28 PM

The horrifying 40 mph offset frontal crash test video shows damage that can be described as catastrophic at best.
that's hilarious. I suspected these cars were crappy... just not that crappy.

Knoxfire wrote:If they sell a car for under 10,000 or a RWD coupe for under 15,000$ they got my money. I'm looking for a car, not a tank.
dear lord. what's wrong with your head?

Knoxfire wrote: Junkyards used to be littered with "death cars" back in the day.
yes, and that's why they're in the junkyard, and that's why they don't make them anymore

Knoxfire wrote: Life is replete with risk.
and that's why God gave us a brain (to ascertain and avoid risk); so again, where's your head at?

Knoxfire wrote: How about a convertible in a rollover? Heck, even a garden variety SUV really isn't all that safe since it doesn't have to pass any of those crash tests (not the car SUVS, I mean the truck based ones) and even if they end up not crumpling like a beer can, I can guarantee a lot of pain for the driver since it must be like being dropped off a building while being locked inside a safe. In a SUV the crumple zone is you.
show us some numbers.

[ o ][][][][][][][][ o ] coach built xj ( o   [][][][][][][]/  o ) hid wj
Re: Chinese car safety
Sunday, June 24, 2007 11:39 PM
I think even the jbodys do a little bit better than that for a frontal crash test. Thats only at 40 mph? If thats so, id be scared for my life if i even hit a deer on the highway.
Re: Chinese car safety
Monday, June 25, 2007 9:39 AM
nucking futs , there goes my next hot rod

thats pretty crazy

Re: Chinese car safety
Monday, June 25, 2007 8:36 PM
The newer Cavaliers have a 4 star front crash test rating, but if you watch this video of a 95 Cavalier, it doesn't look like 4 stars.

1995 Cavalier sedan

notice the dummie's head contacting the bottom of the window frame, but it held up a little better than the Chinese car.

The neon on the other hand didn't, although it actually got a better rating than the Cavalier.

2000 Dodge Neon

It doesn't really matter anyway, cause these tests are basically an ideal collision, and really don't mean much in the real world.
Re: Chinese car safety
Tuesday, June 26, 2007 6:04 AM
urban wrote:dear lord. what's wrong with your head?

What? You mean why do I not refuse to be paralysed by fear? Or why I don't ride around in a car equiped with a 12 point rollcage and sprinkler system while wearing a fire retardant suit and helmet. I mean, if we're gonna be safe let's not do it in half measures. Let's go all the way. Let's have our cars speedo's locked at 55 and the onboard computer can keep prevent us from accelerating in under 10 seconds from 0-60 (not that we'd get to sixty right?).

I'm 34 years old now, I assume you're younger than me because younger people are always more scared of death. Well, the average lifespan for a man today is 74, which means I have 40 years left to live. That's 40 summers, 40 springs, 40 falls and 40 winters. Doesn't sound like a lot when I put it like that huh? Not to mention that of those 40 years of my life there's a good chance that at least 5 will be impossible to enjoy due to different circumstances. So now it's 35.

35 years. Think about it. Tick tock, tick tock...

Yeah yeah yeah. I know... trust me. Cheap dangerous Chinese piece of crap car. Well what do you think old Musclecars are with their rusted frames and their swiss cheese floors? Think the drum brakes are there to do anything more than give you the illusion of being able to stop in time? What about the steering that takes 97 turns to make the wheels go right or left? At least the Chinese put some Airbags on their pieces of crap.

Everything's dangerous. Especially anything that's fun. I'm not spending my whole life locked inside my house. I'm going to go spend it out there in the real world doing stuff and seeing things, even dangerous scaaaaary things like driving fast cars that low crash ratings.

And if it happens that I turn into Christopher Reeves while trying to ride a horse or something, I still won't regret my decision. Sure, I'll have to spend the rest of my life sitting in a chair watching TV, but really... isn't that just what most people do anyway?

urban wrote:show us some numbers.

2004 Ford F-150
1996 Chevrolet Blazer
2001 Dodge Ram 1500

Re: Chinese car safety
Tuesday, June 26, 2007 10:00 AM
Jonathan wrote:The newer Cavaliers have a 4 star front crash test rating, but if you watch this video of a 95 Cavalier, it doesn't look like 4 stars.

1995 Cavalier sedan

notice the dummie's head contacting the bottom of the window frame, but it held up a little better than the Chinese car.

The neon on the other hand didn't, although it actually got a better rating than the Cavalier.

2000 Dodge Neon

It doesn't really matter anyway, cause these tests are basically an ideal collision, and really don't mean much in the real world.

Also in 1997 GM upgraded parts of the structure in the J to meet new standards.
I've even notice that GM improved the body on more recent Js when i went to the junk yards.
Sadly IIHS and the Goverment's test only tested the 1995 model. So we really won't ever know what is its true rating.

>>>For Sale? Clicky!<<<
-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

Re: Chinese car safety
Tuesday, June 26, 2007 1:29 PM
In either case, the J did a hell of a lot better than the Chinese car... and the head hitting the door pillar? Well, I got a 2-door, no worrying about that for me

Re: Chinese car safety
Tuesday, June 26, 2007 5:00 PM
Actually, I do remember reading somewhere that they stiffened the Jbody structure quite a bit in the 2003 makeover, but since I have no proof of that I left it out, for fear of being proved wrong.

And, hey, I crashed my Cavalier and all I had was a nylon burn on one hand from the airbag, and a little bruise. So mine did just fine.

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