ok so as much as i want a gto, i cant seem to find them for under 19k now. iv got about 4500 cash to put down on a car. and dont really wanna take out more then 7-8k. so im looking for a late model car. keeping it under 14k
power everything it must have a moonroof. power isnt really a concern sine i will still have my cavalier. lookin for atleast 20+mpg.
so far...
03 tiburon GT . 6speed
03 rsx (most likely not type s due to cost and 40hp really isnt worth another several thousand)
honda s2000. iv found a few for like 14,500 but most are around 16k.. anyone know much on them?
cars that are a big NO on already
wrx or anything subie (dont want a boxer motor)
another jbody.
anything german due to parts cost. lol
everythign is welcome

12.5@116 2.0 60ft 19psi
Tiburon for the 10 year/100,000 mile warranty FTW!
"Formerly known as Jammit - JBO member since 1998" JBOM | CSS.net
SVT focus, Scion TC, Celica,

2009 Ford Mustang V6
Jookycola wrote:Tiburon for the 10 year/100,000 mile warranty FTW!
thats a HUGE reason im considering this car.. i dont have to worry about anything.
SVT focus, Scion TC, Celica,
i hate the sion tc. not a fan of celics. hate the focus but the svt might be osmethign to look into..

12.5@116 2.0 60ft 19psi
Jookycola wrote:Tiburon for the 10 year/100,000 mile warranty FTW!
Just to let you know, only the first owner gets 10yr/100k mile warranty. Second owner and on gets 5yr/60k mile.
I just got a 2006 Tiburon GT Limited with 14k miles for $13900. If you look around, you might be able find a good deal.
As for gas milage, I get about 25mpg mix city/highway. pure highway I get about 30mpg.
Its a fun car to drive.
You shouldn't even be asking. There's only one logical choice.
End of discussion.
2005 cobalt ss... you can get them used for cheap... my buddy just picked one up for 15
how many miles are you looking at? Cause i see lots of GTOs in my area for less than 19,000. Best one ive seen is an 04 with 35kmiles they want 17,400 for it.
2006 Black Cobalt SS Supercharged G85
Yeah im sure you can find a GTO under 19000! Just because they have 19k or 20k on the window doesnt mean thats that. There was a sticker of $23999 on my goat when i first looked at it. I talked them down to 19K and it only had 14k on it when bought it. I probably couldve done a bit better too but i wanted red and wanted it now! lol.
oh and as for gas mileage....the goat can do good if you keep your foot out of it....heres the proof!!

Thats with the cruise set at 75 down the Mass pike for about an hour. That includes a few spirited blasts up to 90-100 at WOT for a few seconds. Avereaged about 26 on the way back. Around town i average about 19...but im pretty hard on my car.

"Custom cars, custom problems."-me
f-body if you want speed
power isnt really a concern since i will still have my cavalier
Yeah im sure you can find a GTO under 19000! Just because they have 19k or 20k on the window doesnt mean thats that.
their arent any on any lots locally or about an hour or so drive. theres about a handfull in the trader most being ls2s for 22-25. theresa couple that are around 16-19 but i dont want to go that much in debt.
several s2ks in there for around 14-15.
Just to let you know, only the first owner gets 10yr/100k mile warranty. Second owner and on gets 5yr/60k mile
didnt know that... thanks for that info.

12.5@116 2.0 60ft 19psi
i know you said nothing German but how about a MINI cooper there a blast to drive even in base form and get great gas mileage, you wont find much better for handling then a cooper s in the price range your looking at. a nice low mileage 02-04 S can be had for around 13-16k. i know most people don't really care for the look of the cooper but once you drive one you get over any unsettling feelings about the exterior really really quick
=OrangeZ= wrote:i know you said nothing German but how about a MINI cooper there a blast to drive even in base form and get great gas mileage, you wont find much better for handling then a cooper s in the price range your looking at. a nice low mileage 02-04 S can be had for around 13-16k. i know most people don't really care for the look of the cooper but once you drive one you get over any unsettling feelings about the exterior really really quick
Lol i wanted one of those badly

Unfortunatly none in my budget.
i know you said nothing German but how about a MINI cooper there a blast to drive even in base form and get great gas mileage, you wont find much better for handling then a cooper s in the price range your looking at. a nice low mileage 02-04 S can be had for around 13-16k. i know most people don't really care for the look of the cooper but once you drive one you get over any unsettling feelings about the exterior really really quick
honestly. iv considered it.. just anything bmw is expensive to fix. and i just wanna deal with a part breaking. even doin labor myself.. the actual parts are spendy

12.5@116 2.0 60ft 19psi
as long as you don't buy a rsx your good. insurance is going up on them they are death cars. They out ranked the cavy. and the cavys been out for almost 20 years.
John H [CavalierKid wrote:]Quote:
i know you said nothing German but how about a MINI cooper there a blast to drive even in base form and get great gas mileage, you wont find much better for handling then a cooper s in the price range your looking at. a nice low mileage 02-04 S can be had for around 13-16k. i know most people don't really care for the look of the cooper but once you drive one you get over any unsettling feelings about the exterior really really quick
honestly. iv considered it.. just anything bmw is expensive to fix. and i just wanna deal with a part breaking. even doin labor myself.. the actual parts are spendy
well if it helps any there not as expensive to fix as a bmw because the drive train isn't bmw in the 02-06 ones its a Chrysler engine out of the Chrysler Neon and the transmission is from Getrag. ive also heard that the engine is pretty bulletproof as well
as far as insurance on a rsx its true there death traps and the rate is going up, i guess there are to many stupid kids out there thinking there hot shots and getting them selfs thrown into a pole
I personally like the looks of the RSX...but my brother recently bought an 03 tibby gt and its a pretty sweet car! I'd recomend the GT.
as long as you don't buy a rsx your good. insurance is going up on them they are death cars. They out ranked the cavy. and the cavys been out for almost 20 years
never new that. wonder if its all the dumbass 17 year olds that their parents by the car for them and just cant drive.
well if it helps any there not as expensive to fix as a bmw because the drive train isn't bmw in the 02-06 ones its a Chrysler engine out of the Chrysler Neon and the transmission is from Getrag. ive also heard that the engine is pretty bulletproof as well
i thought it was a 1.6 liter and the mini S was the SC version?
so its a neon motor?? hmm thats... odd. maybe i need to look into those more. always thought they were a badass lil car but im scared to own anythign from europe due to the price on parts.. wonder how ins on them
im leavning heavily towards the s2k. cant hurt to look up some info on the mini. how much are they going for now adays? type S model? wonder how much those lil cars weigh and handle.?
hmm well rsx is out, i refuse to pay out the ass in insurence.

12.5@116 2.0 60ft 19psi
Its is a 1.6L.
Dodge never made one.
That is a crock of @!#$.
Neons always used a 2.0L motor except for the srt models.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, May 17, 2007 2:38 PM

05 M6 YJ GTO 1 of 447 12.767@109.93
i did a quick google and couldnt find anything on the cooper using a dodge motor. is there a link or a certain site that has that info?
tibby is definately out since the 10yr/100k wont apply to me
im gonna go test drive an s2k in the next week or so. lookin to make my buy around june 1st.
i talked to my buddy that had his, he loved it, handled excellent. only thing he hated was he road noise and the stereo was kinda @!#$ty. it saw 9k rpms alot and never gave him a problem.

12.5@116 2.0 60ft 19psi
John H [CavalierKid wrote:]
tibby is definately out since the 10yr/100k wont apply to me
Well, you just need to find a 05/06. If you get an 2005, you still have a warranty still 2010 and 2006 till 2011. That is still 3-4 years warranty. Most cars you get is 3-5years of warranty. If you find a good deal on a 05/06, you still get a good amount of warranty left.
Sappy96 wrote:Its is a 1.6L.
Dodge never made one.
That is a crock of @!#$.
Neons always used a 2.0L motor except for the srt models.
pshh ill give you a crock....

btw i never said DODGE
I see, my bad. Missed the CHRYLSER part lo.
Still, this is all I can find atm.
Wicki sucks
Unless you mean some euro version of the neon but it looks like all the ones in UK were 2.0s as well.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, May 17, 2007 6:51 PM

05 M6 YJ GTO 1 of 447 12.767@109.93