Okay, I don't know much about motors or how they work or whatever, but my uncle has a 79 corvette, it has a small block 350 and it won't start. He's tried a lot of things and it still won't work. He got the car from some guy, and it had a small fuel fire in the engine bay, the hood was a little scorched, and some of the wiring was melted. It was running fine even after the fire, but he went out one day to start it and it just wouldn't start. when you turn the key, it tries like hell to start, it's getting fuel, it's getting spark, it turns over and almost starts, but it just won't start. we thought it might've been the distributor, but we tried like 5 different distributors and none of them worked in the vette, but they all worked in other cars we were taking them from. someone said something about the timing chain maybe skipped or something, but I don't know what that's all about. I was just hoping someone here might've experienced something like this before and be able to help, or at least give us an idea of where to start.
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DOOD!!!!! My ASS is stuck in a CAN-OPENER!!!!!
<A HREF="http://www.j-body.org/members/hotwheelzzz01/">
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It's carbureted right? Does the carb need to be cleaned?
Sold 2/2/05
Hold your foot down to the floor on the throttle it sounds like it's flooded actually. The choke also might not be engaging on it.
2009 Ford Mustang V6
Its more then likely a carb problem. Because it always is a carb problem.....
Maybe Im just pissed, pissed that my freinds are spineless, What else would you
call abandoment some night, when you're in a fight, and they could make things right?
Spineless. I miss some of my old friends, the ones who you could count on,
bet a huge amount on, the fact that they'd always have your back... Its like a kick in
the sack, just knowing, you've got nothing to fall back on. @!#$ this, Im done.
yeah, it's a brand new edelbrock carb. he had the air cleaner off, and he tried holding the flappy thing shut and pulling the throttle while I tried starting it. would that be like choking it? you can go out right now, and it'll try to start without even giving it any gas, so I didn't think it was flooding. we don't even touch the gas pedal for the first couplle of tries, then we just pump it once or twice and/or kinda feather the pedal a little.
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DOOD!!!!! My ASS is stuck in a CAN-OPENER!!!!!
<A HREF="http://www.j-body.org/members/hotwheelzzz01/">
<IMG SRC="http://www.j-body.org/registry/hotwheelzzz01/sig3.jpg">
Sounds like timing is off to me. Meaning when fuel shoots in the spark is coming too late to ignite the fuel.
Compression or timing, most likly timing.
Best Time 15.917 at 86.86MPH
he's messed around with the distributor an awful lot, so do you think it could be the timing chain? The distributor doesn't seem to be the problem.
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DOOD!!!!! My ASS is stuck in a CAN-OPENER!!!!!
<A HREF="http://www.j-body.org/members/hotwheelzzz01/">
<IMG SRC="http://www.j-body.org/registry/hotwheelzzz01/sig3.jpg">
First thing is that JUST because an edelbrock is made for that engine does mean the jets and float have been set correctly. DOES this car have the GM Cross fire set up?? This is important because that was an emssions set up that was known to cause fires. Is this an orignal 79 engine or did homeboy shuve an older engine into it? Has a compression test been done? What is your timing set at? Basically what have you done or know so far?
ASE Certified Techician
DaimlerChrysler Certified Techician
Va Safety Inspector
Member Of TECHNET Professionals
Member Option D Racing
^^Crossfire was in 1982.
Best Time 15.917 at 86.86MPH