Said it before, and I'll say it again: I love you truck, man!! Nice shots, though. Seems like a cool place you found to take them, too.
Agreed on the mesh. Shave that giant tailgate handle!!!!
Your truck is freaking outragous. I love it, and i am not a truck guy at all!
Suspension Division - "Handling Before Horsepower"
Making the turns since 1999
1998 EK Civic Hatch - Yes, it's a Honda.
Looking good. Is that in front of Stebbins?
I almost bought a black colorado about a month ago, but i needed something a little bigger, its a nice truck though.
You should get bored more often. Sick @$$ truck!

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
looks tight, you need a black grille tho to set it all off in my opinion
Black grill...everything else looks great! Never seen a better looking Colorado!

2002 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Z71
I'm going to have to say paint the grill black also.
I am all that is man
im with everyone else, a black grill would top it off. the shiny grill doesnt go with anything and sticks out instead of flowing with the rest of the truck. however imgonna say that is easily one of the nicests trucks ive seen period.
themarin8r wrote:like the backdrop
truck looks good
paint the mesh black
Agreed, Colorado's are sick looking when they are low.
Also, get a tri-pod.
Have a good one,
I seriously hope that the next time you post pictures of your truck it has a black grill, because I get more annoyed each time it isn't.
The .org voted for it to be black, every post people ask why its not black.... it needs to be black already!
I work on Wall Street, but didn't force you to take out a loan you couldn't afford.
Have you ever seen someone who got hit in the front, had there plate in the window and the impact of the wreck cause the plate to shoot and partially decapitate the driver? Well, neither have i, but an excop i know said hes seen it happen and ive since never had my plate in the front window, just some food for thought.
oh yeah, badass truck
KeithGT wrote:Have you ever seen someone who got hit in the front, had there plate in the window and the impact of the wreck cause the plate to shoot and partially decapitate the driver? Well, neither have i, but an excop i know said hes seen it happen and ive since never had my plate in the front window, just some food for thought.
oh yeah, badass truck
ehh but I'm not drilling holes into my bumper

hopefulyl ohio will loose the fornt plate law soon