hey guys. well....heres the thing. im 15. and im gettin my 1st car when i get my temps. and i have a few in mind:
1. Chevy Cav. Z24
2. Hyundai Tiburoin [[my choice]]
3. 2004 Pontiac GTO
4. Honda Civic [[im not a ricer, if i can get some cash. it can be a decent car]]
feedback appreciated!
Lol if you can get teh GTO, I would go for that. But since its your first car I probably wouldnt pick that.
I'd go w/ the Tibby if that is what you want. What year Tibby were you looking at? I would say don't get the first gen.
Good luck and drive safe.

05 M6 YJ GTO 1 of 447
thanks dude. ya i know a gto is a lil outta my reach, but hey, a kid can dream cant he?
the tibby im lookin at like a 03-04.
if anyone kno anyone who sellin. let me kno.
Considering you are 15, I must urge you to go with the Z24 or Tiburon. If you really had to pick between the two, id go with the tiburon.

2000 2200 Cavalier: 9/14/2000--10/23/2006
2007 G85 SS S/C: 10/23/2006--Present
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What kind of 15 year old can afford any of these cars? I hope your parents aren't buying it for you.
My first car was an '01 cav (im 17 btw) i dunno how in the f*ck ud be able to afford a GTO, but hey if u can pull it off id go for that, but ud have to have one kick @$$ job for that (i work at mcdonalds, but it beats no job at all)
Id go with the cav myself, theyre great little cars (mine, however, seemed to be cursed, which is why i ditched it for my camaro

but cavs are alota fun, but if u can get one with five speed cuz i had a friend with and auto and i drove her car once....
mine was a helluva alot more fun (when it was on the road)
ha. thought a civic would get some laughs in here.
SpcmnSpff302 (The Link Master) wrote:What kind of 15 year old can afford any of these cars? I hope your parents aren't buying it for you.
the only thing my mom helpin me out with is the down payment. im payin her back in full. ive been workin for about a month. and every paycheck is gonna go to her till its all paid. =]
thats why im goin for the tibby. shes got the credit wit huyndai.
ya. brandon. my cousin has a z24 5speed, and thats why im kinda pullin away from that. him and his friend both got z24s. and i wanted to do somethin a lil different.
and whats wrong with a z24...... im tellin ya a ride in rons or brians car will change your mind........
dude, curt, im not sayin anythings bad wit em. i just dont wanna be like everyone else
you wouldnt be like everyone else........ you make me and the other cav guys sound like honda owners....
Go buy a $1200 beater. Anything more than that is more than you'll need, especially as a first car.
how do i make you look like honda owners??
cause cavalier is more unique then a honda.... ever since the ecotec motor came out its made us stand tall with pride to all kinds of people....... in other words slowly but surely were getting the respect we been workin for
ya dude. you deserve a lot of credit for what you workin that car out to be
yea. thats all true.
but still, you gettin somewhere.
and that deserves a lot of credit.
a poor ol' white boy comin up =]
lol. jk. [[but you are white]]
thanks i guess........ and whats wrong with being the color of wonder bread?
Hey guys...look at your posts. Right there at the bottom. See the little button that looks like this:
Click it.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, August 10, 2006 12:49 AM
Get an EF or EG hatch and make it fast. Cheap speed.
Sold 2/2/05
Cheap speed.
thats always a good thing! =]
and whats wrong wit havin a convo on thje post I made?? lol.
Shifted wrote:They're cousins, so its even worse 
now thats not nice ron.......
REDGOTE wrote:Get an EF or EG hatch and make it fast. Cheap speed.
thats what i was thinking..... the cars themselves are cheap and since theres so many companys that make stuff for them it keeps prices down. On the other hand getting ahold of a k20a2 motor is expensive unless you can find a civic with one swaped in already.
4cyltibby wrote:Quote:
Cheap speed.
thats always a good thing! =]
and whats wrong wit havin a convo on thje post I made?? lol.
wasting bandwith.... but like I said if you want something thats gonna be easy go with either a cavalier cause hptuners has come out for us..... or go with honda since theres like 50 different tuning options for them
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