i'm liking the oldschool Jetta...and i like the diesel option. what do you know about these cars? are they worth purchasing? what are the issues generally associated with them?
i may nab one of these as well as the subaru...but i'm just toying around with the idea right now. educate me, oh knowledgeable ones. tell me why i should or shouldn't get one.
R.I.P. Brian St.Germain
Buy my iBook!
Ask Josh he just picked up his TDI a couple weeks back. VERY nice car BTW. Good luck with your purchase.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
yeah, that's a bit too new.
like...a few decades too new. i'm talking OLDSCHOOL Jettas - first gens.
R.I.P. Brian St.Germain
Buy my iBook!
Ohh THAT old? My bad. sorry.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
I was thinking about getting one of those for a daily driver if I end up having a long commute.
All I know is that they have to be maintained just like every other car. Proper oil change intervals and if it has any number of significant miles 100K+ its a good idea to rebuild the turbo. Lastly if your going to switch to biodiesel you should get the gas tank flushed first and plan on replacing a few fuel filters.
They sell chips that you can install yourself that will give you a decent boost in torque as well.
as far as diesel maintenance is concerned, i have Scruf and his newold truck to learn from - so that's a little less on my list of concerns.
i AM worried about the issues i seem to remember regarding wiring and whatnot.
R.I.P. Brian St.Germain
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best reason for the old diesels is they are prime canadates for engine swaps, 1.8T with an upgraded turbo kit or any kind of boosted VR6 and that thing whill be an insanely fast ugly little monster
not worried about speed - i'd like the diesel for fuel prices.
i just happen to REALLY like the body style...and the fact that they have a really nice front lip selection makes me drool. for some reason i love little boxes/tanks like that.
R.I.P. Brian St.Germain
Buy my iBook!
a friend of mine has a 1990 (maybe an 89?) Jetta diesel, and it runs pretty damn good. Of course, it only has 30,000 miles on it (and is in mint condition to boot), so I guess I'm not much help
Ive had a couple early 80s rabbits, I assume the same or similar engine(mechanical injection no turbo). Nothing but good things to say about them. They run forever, get excellent gas mileage no matter how you drive them and are cheap to fill up. The only thing to watch for is the return lines on the diesel injectors. When they start leaking, which they will, they will drop your gas mileage. They are cheap and easy to change though so no worries. I learned how to drive on an 84 rabbit and beat the snot out of it and had no problems, never broke anything. My dad has had 4 or 5 rabbits and an early 80s audi diesel and nothing but good things there too.
The only downside is that they are the slowest vehicles known to man kind, well...that and they will rattle your ears off. turn off the ac and double your power. I would buy another in a heartbeat.
02 LS Sport
68 Firebird
56 GMC
66 Suburban
rebuild the turbo? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the 1st gen a 1.6L or 1.5L non turbo? Decent engine, can last a long time.. not very fast but you said that is not your concern... great gas milage.
If the milage isn't up to par, change the fuel filter, clean the injectors and check the injection timing.
Darkstars wrote:best reason for the old diesels is they are prime canadates for engine swaps, 1.8T with an upgraded turbo kit or any kind of boosted VR6 and that thing whill be an insanely fast ugly little monster
not that it really matters but I forget to mention my reason for sayign that, if you swap out the diesel and put somethign elsein its only held to the early jetta diesel emissions standards, so no matter what you do to it you never have to worry
IF i get one, i won't be in the market for awhile. a lot of my spare fundage went to the Subaru to get it tagged, etc.
R.I.P. Brian St.Germain