thats intense and yeah 4 x4 5 speed ,would be like one of those remote control cars
funniest car video I've seen next to the insanely fast Xmods car
that's pretty hilarious. kinda neat how it rools over perfect and keeps going
People say that what doesn't kill you in this life
will make you stronger. I'm not sure if that is true
or not, but i do know one thing-You have to learn from
it and it has to make you has to.......
white trash special olympics.
Whats a Cavalier?
sunbirdtilldeath wrote:thats intense and yeah 4 x4 5 speed ,would be like one of those remote control cars
Just take two front wheel drive vehicles, cut em both in half and have it be set up the same way the 2 halfs of this car is. Then when you flip, the other driver could take over and drive