click to see it!
Im sure some people wont like it because its not a pure BMW anymore but, i love it!

"Custom cars, custom problems."-me
I don't think a Nissan engine would be the first I'd choose to swap into a BMW, but you have to give this person credit for originality and crasftmanship...
un4givn wrote:I don't think a Nissan engine would be the first I'd choose to swap into a BMW, but you have to give this person credit for originality and crasftmanship...
Same here, it'd be a small block 302. Its actually pretty common.
i'm just glad they didn't do it to an E46, i might have cried.
I agree with everyhtign said so far... although they killed an M car I do give them credit... anythign running 11 flat gets my respect no matter what it is or what its powered by
its quick and the install looks clean as hell..... but even though i'm far from being a "purist", even I think its f-ed up to put a japanese motor in a Euro car.... it could have been equally as fast with a later model BMW motor, although obviously more expensive.. I can't rag on it though, it puts down the numbers. I just like it better with the hood DOWN i guess
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
I love it!
- 93 mph in the 1/8 mile
Member of J-Body Of Michigan.
the swap they should have done which i saw done a couple year back was an M3 with an M5 engine in it with other engine work. Now that was sweet as hell. There was a car and driver with it in it. I wonder if i still have that issue. As a BMW finatic that is an insult.
2004 Grand Prix GTP (Competition Group)
SOLD-->1999 Z24 5M-#30 to register on JBO
"You can please some of the people some of the time but you can't please all the people'
all the time