Think its powerful?
am i missing something?

My car was made with wrenches, Not chopsticks.
repost TO THE EXTREME!!11
yeah, sorry bud, that vid's been around for a while.

it's not how fast you go, it's how you get there that counts.
ZZP XP cam, 1.6 rockers, 105# springs, speedbuilt FWI, 3.3" modular pulley, TOG headers,
3" exhaust, flomatched injectors
'97 GTP 14.06@100.6mph pre cam w/ 3.5" pulley, I/E
If that thing went 3 more feet , NONE OF THOSE people would have been cheering . haha.
He didn't break the dyno. He broke the straps because the retards that tied the car down put the straps over his exhaust and they melted.
I haven't seen it before. Bet that guy @!#$ his pants.
bet half the crowd $h!t their pants

it's not how fast you go, it's how you get there that counts.
ZZP XP cam, 1.6 rockers, 105# springs, speedbuilt FWI, 3.3" modular pulley, TOG headers,
3" exhaust, flomatched injectors
'97 GTP 14.06@100.6mph pre cam w/ 3.5" pulley, I/E
At least he had good Brakes!!!!
I don't need no stinking SIG. Wait this is one.
CAVolution wrote:At least he had good Brakes!!!!
The front straps stoped him.