Alright.. I saw this truck at my college the other day....
oh @!#$ I could have sworn this was other cars....
Move please?
"My son is an JBO whore" is missing from that... / 732-742-8837
wow...umm...lets choose not to discuss makes me wanna vomit
peace love and purple dasiy's of the new century
some likes stickers a little to much
Female, hippy, doesn't shower (oops, I already said hippy), probably didn't have any of those stickers on her truck until a professor "opened her eyes"...
its her custom paint...shes just gonna cover her car in dcals for a lot less than a sever hundred dollars.
Female, hippy, doesn't shower (oops, I already said hippy), probably didn't have any of those stickers on her truck until a professor "opened her eyes"...

^thats like the perfect description
u forgot shes latin.
good luck trying to sell that thing.
I would love to know if that thing is a lease.

She's making a difference..
J/K, hahahaha. Wow is that ugly. ChrisIDV said it best, I think.
