Check out what I got for Christmas, just made my 2nd payment!!!
You just got smoked by a rental car!
that sucks should come off pretty easy though with some graffitti remover then some claybar an polish/wax...
^^^ Ya give that a try. But do it asap. Sorry to see this happen.
track them down and beat the crap out of them... seriously.
it should come off though.
maybe its that fake stuff you buy at can buy stuff that comes off with water.
Nah, Its the real stuff...haha. I've gotta wait and let my Insurance co. see it. They tagged a bunch of stuff that night, a few schools, like 12 cars, and some houses. My friends Yukon got tagged too, they painted his 22's pink and blue.
You just got smoked by a rental car!
That pisses me off just seeing that. I saw your post on the cobalt site, but i forgot my login password lol. lets us know what happens.
"Custom cars, custom problems."-me
i wanan see pink and blue 22's....snap pics stat
I think it's about time to go hunting....preferably with a very large caliber firearm...tat sucks man
im a @!#$ pussy ass liar! i lied to my girlfriend over and over, sat around with her friends naked and stayed home downloading porn...she loved me and i hurt her...i deserve to be alone and wonder every girl i try to love leaves me...i suck.
Get some paint and go tag them. then shove the can down their throat
im in shock. damn i would go find every mfer in that "crew" and kick the @!#$ out of them.
FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims
Sucks too, as I saw a Cobalt in that same trim and color and fell in love.
How do you like the 2.4l?
Those mofo's can't even tag. Look at that leaky spraypaint. Douchebags...
Wow...There are major reasons that I love living in a small town with nothing but old people for this is the headquarters for the Counties Police department and they drive past my house atleast once an hour...means no parties but also means my car probally ain't gonna get messed with
if it ain't broke...MAKE IT GO FASTER
that's really @!#$ up. I parked my car under the street light across the street so I could periodically glance at her last night. Sure enough there were people who stopped momentarily and took off as soon as I flashed my flashlight at them and walked towards the gate.
apparently word's out that I came back to my old small town. And apparently there is a "street racing crew" around here. So I assume it's them
find psa crew and @!#$ each one of them up.
that stuff comes off easy. my car got sprayed once. took some bug and tar remover and it came right off
if your gonna graffiti at least make it pretty.
sorry to hear about the vandalism.
If i ever found out who did that i'd find each and everyone of them give them a smiley and then spray paint the mo-fos pink and blue. Seriously, your a pu$$y if you mess with someones property, useless thug wannabe's
whats sprayed on the hood.?
1991 Honda CRX si mini me swapped
Someone needs to teach this psa crew a lesson. I cant stand it when people mess with other peoples cars.
i use to tag up but not on cars. thats jsut wrong and it makes the ppl who do art with spray look bad. we used to tag up on handball courts and train tracks.
<img src="">
What the hell!?!?!?
People who have no respect for cars should be shot, period. I hate anyone who could key, spray paint, kick or damage a vehicle in anyway purposely. / 732-742-8837
wow they were not even good with it.....they just wrote stuff, no artistic logos and what not, if your gonna @!#$ something up at least do it right you @!#$in wannabe's
sucks man insurance should fix it, but honestly id try and get it off myself first