My fiance has a 96 taurus, and every time she puts it in reverse the radio cuts out . It works fine in any other gear, this only happens in reverse. I don't even know where to start looking. Can anyone help. PLEASE.
New sig in the works
I have the haynes manual. I just don't know where to begin looking. What does reverse have to do with the radio. I'm so confused
New sig in the works
That is crazy....but dont worry about it. Its not like you drive in reverse for long time.

"Remember do what you like because you have to drive it."--Me
Could be due to interference from the wires. When in R, the engine torques a different way then when in D and it could be causing the wires to be touching something.
Ford has a few TSB's out on the 96 Taurus concerning the radio but none of them are in R only. One is from interference from the fuel pump and the other is from static produced by the wheel bearings.
^^^^ Thanks for the info I will check out the TSB's, and her wiring.
New sig in the works
That's interesting, is it an aftermarket radio in there? How long as the problem been happening? Does it cut off immediately when it gets put into reverse (before the vehicle starts moving) and does it come back on automatically when it is taken out of reverse?

It's most likely gonna end up being the TR Sensor (transmission range or transmission relay I can't remember what it stood for).
It's a common problem, my brother in law just had to have his fixed because of it. Eventually it will get worse. The radio will start to cut out in reverse and drive, the dummy lights will also start to come on in reverse and drive, power windows may stop working, may lose power steering, but if put in park or neutral it will all go back to normal... and if it goes on long enough the car may not start at all.
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