my womans blazer has a few problems and the check engine light is on so they wont let her register it, i have the codes but im not sure how to fix the problems. the codes i got are:
p0442 evap control system leak
p0452 evap control system pressure sensor low input
i think theese two have to do with the gas cap leaking because that failed too but theese are the ones im not sure about
p0147 o2 sensor heater circuit
p0740 torque converter clutch circuit
would changing the o2 sensor fix the first one? i didnt know o2 sensors had a heater. anybody know or have any ideas?
yes. your after-cat sensor is bad. that will fix the p0147
you're gonna have a time with the p0740 TCC circuit. electronic trannys are no fun to work on.
the evap should be a relatively easy fix. probly a vac line or something loose.
becarefull, dont just start swaping o2's heated o2s are expencive, first cheek the ciircit its self, IE the fuse, if thats good then move on, beshure you have the right on first, IE sencor 1 bank 2 or senser 2 bank 2.
evap was probley casued by a gas cap not being all the way on, that would throug both codes.
also thoes codes casuing it to go in to "open loop" would cause the PCM to go in to limp mode, ive seen this casue the TCC not to lock.
id start with a compleat OTC scan to find out what o2 it is and move from there.
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08