Anyone know where I can find an intake for this car. My friend just bought it and we are on a seemingly never ending search. The mass air sensor is attached the air box, it's all odd. All the intakes we've found say "except spyder" any help would be greatly appreciated. It's a non-turbo 1998 Eclipse Spyder GS

thanks guys. &
no one? &
the engine wouldnt be different if its a god damn convertable. just look for eclipse gs.
They don't have any intakes out for the 2.4 engine yet. I was trying to find one before & that's what I found. I guy I know was going to try to use the tubing for the 2.0 & the fipk kit that they sell & fab something up.
92 SC300 Turbo 5spd.
99 Eclipse Spyder RS
TimmyD, the 98 does not come with a 2.4!!! go to ebay and type in eclipse intake and pick the ones for non-turbo!!
Lots of bad info here.....
eclipse spyders (convertible) either had the 2.4 standard ( 4G64) or 2.0 turbo engine (4g63) upgrade in them. They did NOT have the same engine as the nonturbo coupes (420a).
He has a 2.4, which is a very hard engine to find parts for as it was only sold in the such limited numbers in eclipses. I really don't know of a place that sells them.
So far there isn't one on the market. It looks to me like a GST or GSX intake wouldfit. (find one on ebay, compare it to your stock one) But I'm not positive.
Check out this site, has some nice info
Thank you guys sooo much

that link is awesome too &