Holy crap! If that thing really does come out, and stays within 2-5K of the current price of an Accent, I'd trade in the bug in a heartbeat. It actually looks remarkably like the Audi "Shooting Brake" concept. HOTNESS
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
Holy moly that thing is awesome!

2000 2200 Cavalier: 9/14/2000--10/23/2006
2007 G85 SS S/C: 10/23/2006--Present
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Motortopia.com! Thanks!
very sweet, but the white makes it hotness.

maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day
Interesting......and it's an automatic.......

^^pretty sure they wont slack it and make this thing stick. itll be sweet if they slap a 6 speed in there. but a 5 will do. the only thing that is beggin for a make over is that horrible gigantic H in the front grill.add 4 wheel discs and u got me sold. was holding out for the si, but ive been won over. faster, cheaper, better looking, and maybe lighter. sweet!!
Guranteed it will be lighter than SI.. The one I had barely weighed anything at all.. lol.
Red 2005 Saturn Ion-3 Coupe
Let list that into one of my considerations of Tc, RSX-s, Mazda 3 hatch. And now the Hyundai. You guys know what, I've test droven the 2001 Elantra and let me tell you, that car is way nicer than a J, got the power and the nice comfy ride. Remember the car with lest problem last year was the Hyundai Sonata with Honda Civic right behind it. Plus 100k miles warrenty is noone to be beaten.
Wow, with these reviews Dave may have to change the site to accomodate all the soon to be Hyundai owners LOL
Just Joking
Slug wrote:Wow, with these reviews Dave may have to change the site to accomodate all the soon to be Hyundai owners LOL
Just Joking 
Haha...I have the best of both worlds...a J and a Hyundai Tucson! I would have never bought the hyundai, but the warranty and the quality is awesome for the price.
5 year bumper to bumper with the 10 year power train ..
That little car looks like a handful...
--04 Blazing Copper Mazda 6 s
RoNuS20 wrote:Interesting......and it's an automatic.......
in my post a page back the mid 14 run with the sr is supose to be with an auto but like i said this is a magazine getting quotes from hyundai so it will probably toned down a bit when they accually do the track testing
under 20k for a sr good deal i think even if its auto i bet the 5 or possible 6 speeds would be cheaper
I wonder if this will be avaible in Canada? Or even the US..
Red 2005 Saturn Ion-3 Coupe
Um, the 100,000 mile warranty started prior to 2003. My 2001 Santa Fe has that warranty and then some based on a flaw on the misjudging of the engine horsepower. Gee, 7 hp difference mistake for an extra lenth of time on my warranty? Duh! Okay! Love Hyundai and thier build quality plus they are a piece of cake to work on for general maintenence - unlike certain GM models I know oh - *cough* *cough*
And yes - to Hyundai - PLEASE make this Accent in a AWD!!!!!
this car is nice as hell.
guess now my options are rx-8, charger dayton, cobaltss, and this
avoid the RX8 unless you like getting under 20MPG.
pirates kick ninja asses, f00
not worried about gas mileage really i just want something new
falnfenix wrote:well you'd be worried if you're paying $4684567 for Premium 2-3x a week. 
i already have to use premium but dont drive that much anymore so it all evens out
GW: any info on the curb weight? I may have to halt my current plans.
Is it expected to weight about the same as the current model?
I have an Elantra and would consider another Hyundai. If I wasn't so sure this one would be way too small for me, I'd rock it!!
BTW... I don't think my Elantra is a piece. It's a great car and reliable, just not all that fun to drive. I knew that buying it. That's WHY I bought it. I needed something reliable. ....
Luc Sipkema wrote:GW: any info on the curb weight? I may have to halt my current plans.
Is it expected to weight about the same as the current model?
As of now, I do not have that info.
>>>For Sale? Clicky!<<<
-----The orginal Mr.Goodwrench on the JBO since 11/99-----

^ ^ ^ ^ i forgive you G-Dub, just let me know when you know. Right now the 3 door accent has a 2280-2330lbs curb weight. with 200hp that is an 11.4 lb/hp ratio.
Just for comparison: (remember you want a smaller number so each hp has less weight to lug around)
RSX-S 14.0
Cobalt SS 14.6
SRT-4 12.7
Accent turbo 11.4?????
That facker will be good for 13's no prob, combined with an Indep rear suspension, and a 5 (CANADA) year warranty, i'm sold i don't care what bagde it has on the front. I'll sell the Saturn SC.
i think thays what a scion tc hatchback should look like!
Best Time 15.917 at 86.86MPH
Ok im bringing this back from the dead, cuz at the Hyundai dealership down the road i had thought i saw the SR but its just the Accent 3 door which has come out this year. So i was wondering if there was any more news on this, like is it still scheduled to come out and if so, when?