I was just outside of town when it happened.
dont drink a @!#$ load of energy drinks and drive when you havn't slept in 10 hours and drive for 3 hours
I don't believe I posted this on here...
I have @!#$ luck with cavaliers it seems.
I had that one for 3 months.

if you want bigger pics;
<img src="http://www.majhost.com/gallery/HCAJosh/crap/shooshined.jpg">
- putting the pieces back together -
No sleep in 10 hours is a normal day for most people
Primer Counts as Custom Paint Right?
BTW: This is my Sig.
lol good point steve, but wtf happened? u doze off or what? that intake still looks good, ill take that off your hands
Well I work 3rd shift.
So it was 10 hours of working, not being lazy.
Sadly, I left the intake in the car

I didn't think I would be getting a new vehicle anytime soon.
Heck, I got it for $50 at advanced auto.
If I can get it out of my car(I'm going to see if they will let me take my neons out) I'll snag the intake.
You can have it, just pay for shipping. (I already ordered a new intake)
The cav I have now, I've had it for 2 months and driven it a total of about 8 hours.
stupid people.. somewhere, somehow one of the dealerships that passed my cavalier around used south carolina paperwork in NC.. what idiots.
We're not sure what happened to me.
My friend in the back seat said I just blacked out.
We were all talking and he said I just dropped my head.
The only thing I remember was someone screaming "JOSH CAR!" and WHAM. I remember opening my eyes and everything blurry.
And that HORRIBLE airbag smell.
<img src="http://www.majhost.com/gallery/HCAJosh/crap/shooshined.jpg">
- putting the pieces back together -
Oh yeah, here's what happened(in police report, cos I blacked out during the accident)
I guess when I blacked out, my car drifted into the other lane, and a nissan truck swerved to miss me,
And my car hit his mid, and he ramped up over me, I tore his rear tire/axle off, he flipped 2 times and landed in a ditch upside down,
Which was a miracle, the medics said if it landed flat, it would of crushed the cab(along with him)
The driver was not just fine, but he ran over and helped us.
Lets see if I still have pics of the truck...
You can see what I mean where it "ramped" over my fender/hood.
Luckily, I was the only one who got hurt.
I always drove with my arm out the window(I dont anymore),
Something from beneath the truck cut my elbow open down to the bone.
It felt great, let me tell you...
<img src="http://www.majhost.com/gallery/HCAJosh/crap/shooshined.jpg">
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holy hell thats crazy! i see what happened now, glad everyone is ok tho and walked away!!
Yeah whats freaky is;
I got my first vehicle(94' Astro Van) I had it for 3 months and hit a deer.
2 Months later I got that cavalier
3 months I wrecked.
I got this one 2 months later.
I havn't had it for 3 months yet.. but its alreayd blown the engine.
<img src="http://www.majhost.com/gallery/HCAJosh/crap/shooshined.jpg">
- putting the pieces back together -
d@mn son looks like u need to take the bus or something lol
Maybe you should take the bus