Sorry if this forum is wrong, I figured it wasn't because it's all about my exterior damage...
I posted a while back about CF and paintability and stuff, and I finally got 2 pics of the wrecked car...I doubt anyone here really knows me or cares, but whatever...
Will be replaced with....
On the back of my car I have my initials...I was thinking of painting the vent areas the same blue color as the blue in my initials color? That or the silver? what do you guys think?
This the thing with the initials I'm talking about...
Suggestions/Comments/Whatever else?
P.S. Sorry if the pic with the initials sucks, I didn't notice it wasn't very good with the flash and stuff...
Woops, sorry I havent been on here so long that I forgot about that forum lol...
Hey TRBL, im the guy emailin you about the projectors
I knew nobody cared, or was it cause of my noobie thread placement?
First off those are nice looking rims lol, secondly go with thw silver, the blue will stand out tooo much , if you really wanna paint em go with the silver
the vents being silver wouldnt look too bad, only thing im seeing is, yellow, cf, light blue, silver... kinda cluttering the colors, i mean if u like the sticker of your innitials being on there thats all fine and dandy, but personaly, i would stick with yellow and cf, and if you need to do something where cf isnt avilable i would go black, and i agree with the statement above mine, the wheels are HOT. good luck with the fix and everything you do to the car!
On the other have other fingers.

i had lots of toys when i was young.slinky,etc.but once i found my penis,that was all she wrote
I have to say I agree with the sock pupet dude /\ /\ /\ /\ Too many colors, Stick to yellow
and CF maybe if you wanted to do silver pin stripes or something.
And We've all seen that damage befrore, Remember when the guy ahead of you stops your supposed to also.

JK man it looks good can't wait to see it painted!
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
oh i get it, im "the sock puppet dude" now, THANKS! lol.
On the other have other fingers.

i had lots of toys when i was young.slinky,etc.but once i found my penis,that was all she wrote
Thanks for the compliments/insight!
Oh, one other thing...the hood will be painted, my mom still owns the car, so its her say...sad I know...