what do you think? need opinions! :( - Jacked / Wrecked / Sold Forum

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what do you think? need opinions! :(
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 6:51 AM
ok so here's the deal. yesterday my alternator went out, so i took my car to goodyear here in richmond to get worked on. they had 5 cars before mine, so they TOLD me to leave it there over night, saying they will get to it first thing in the morning.

so this morning rolls around, and i get a call from them. they say that they came out to look at my car this morning and my window was down, and the dash is torn out and my cd player is gone! so are my subs and amp. they say they have been having problems like this lately and that my car was an easy target for them, with the body kit, rims, etc.

HOWEVER, they did not tell me before i left my car there that they have been having problems with people breaking into their cars. for all i knew, they could have had cameras out there. but they DIDNT. don't you think they could have at least told me first before i left my car there? especially since it was going to be an easy target. i honestly thought they would have MOVED the car in their garage over night, since it was the only car in their parking lot. thats probably what any other garage would have done. and they say their not liable for it, since they haven't worked on it yet. BUT THEY TOLD ME TO KEEP IT THERE OVERNIGHT!!! i don't know. i just want peoples opinions. i know things like this happen every day. i'm not looking for sympathy, just want opinions on who is held liable.

my dad already emailed his cooperate lawyer

Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:23 AM
Talk to a manager, its their fault. They wanted you to leave it, they never told you any liabilities, any problems, etc. They wanted it left, so it is THEIR problem.
Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 8:57 AM
exodus 259 wrote:Talk to a manager, its their fault. They wanted you to leave it, they never told you any liabilities, any problems, etc. They wanted it left, so it is THEIR problem.

not really. most places wont cover that. he has to check into it. its not their fault it got broken into. if it was in a garage where they had to break into the place to get to his car, then yes they are liable for it. some places wont cover anythin' if it gets stolen on the parkin' lot

Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 11:11 AM
really they arent liable, its just like if you ever met a friend somewhere and he had you leave you car in a parking lot while he drove. if it got broken into he wouldnt be liable, nor would the place whos parking lot you used.
Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 3:38 PM
Blackfire wrote:really they arent liable, its just like if you ever met a friend somewhere and he had you leave you car in a parking lot while he drove. if it got broken into he wouldnt be liable, nor would the place whos parking lot you used.

not really...it was on THEIR property...and they TOLD me to leave it there over night. and they had my keys as well. if i would have known about all the problems they have been having lately (which they should have TOLD me about) than i'd fork out the extra money and get a tow truck to tow the car 2 miles down the rd to my apartment, and have them tow it back in the morning.

the lawyer and insurance has been awesome about it so far tho...so i'm keepin my head up!
Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 3:50 PM
i have a shop in north dallas and technically they (the repair facility) are not to be held accountable for it if it is outside or you signed a waver, but if they were smart they would repair it, you can do them so much damage just by word of mouth, you could destroy them. they should have put it inside. if they don't fix it do everything you can to let everyone in the whole area know what happened. pass out fliers in front of their shop, place ads in the local paper, call several times, when you call ask to speak with the owner or for corporate offices, they should do whatever it takes to keep you quite and there name clean. that is the last thing anyone want is to be known for. good luck!
Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 5:44 PM
^ thanks man! i mean it would be different if i ACTUALLY had my keys (so than i could move my car to a safe place for the night) it was the only car in their parking lot...don't you think they could have put it inside? and if i was informed about all the problems they have been having with other break ins. wouldn't be suprised if it were an employee, really. before it all happened, it was very ironic how one employee was asking me if i had a stereo, and what all i had in there......its just fishy
Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Tuesday, November 22, 2005 8:39 PM
well it was your choice to leave it there. you could have taken it back the next day. but the decent thing to say would be something about the promlems with theft. it too bad people have no respect. sorry to hear about this s$%t

Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Thursday, November 24, 2005 8:59 AM
oh believe me i would have driven it back in the morning but my car wasn't driveable the alternator went out i barely even made it into their parking lot

Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Thursday, November 24, 2005 9:10 AM
They are definately responsible. You handed them the keys to your car because they were gonna work on it. They are responsible for your car. That is why every shop has insurance. What they should have done is moved it inside.
And it is really fishy, was the window broken or just rolled down? Why would someone roll a window down? Easier to break and open then roll it down.

Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Thursday, November 24, 2005 6:23 PM
[quote=��gg����v98 (��q��t�ߣ� ���)]
exodus 259 wrote:Talk to a manager, its their fault. They wanted you to leave it, they never told you any liabilities, any problems, etc. They wanted it left, so it is THEIR problem.

not really. most places wont cover that. he has to check into it. its not their fault it got broken into. if it was in a garage where they had to break into the place to get to his car, then yes they are liable for it. some places wont cover anythin' if it gets stolen on the parkin' lot

hes not kidding about the co. not paying for it if it gets stolen from the parking lot. my grandpa bought a new 2 ton dump truck, took it somewhere to get something added on.....long story short the next day it was gone and they didnt pay for it. my grandpa took them to court and everything.

FOR SALE: (5) '95-'99 Z24 Rims

Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Friday, November 25, 2005 11:57 AM
yep window was rolled down. what a nice thing of them to do, since it poured that night and my interior was soggy as hell. and that sucks about your grandpa's dump truck, i'd definitely raise some hell about that...thats just not cool how the crap do you steal a dump truck, lol

Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Friday, November 25, 2005 9:49 PM
Shoulda just bought the alternator at autozone and put it in yourself....but very sorry to hear about the car...

Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Saturday, November 26, 2005 11:38 AM
the window was rolled down? sounds like someone from the dealership got ahold of your keys and decided they wanted your crap. they shoudl be liable for thier own freaking employees in thier parking lot.

Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Saturday, November 26, 2005 10:05 PM
but they cut the whole lock cylinder out of the door (see my other post on here) it just doesn't make sense if they had the keys to do that, unless (IF it was an employee) they wanted to cover it up and make it look like someone else did it........guess i'll never know the lawyer did write goodyear a nasty letter tho

Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Sunday, November 27, 2005 12:07 AM
They KNEW this...


they say they have been having problems like this lately and that my car was an easy target for them, with the body kit, rims, etc.[./quote]

and they didn't tell you, nor did they attempt to protect your vehicle.

1. That's pretty piss-poor customer service. I would go back and tell them that for starters. Bad business does more for negative advertising than any method of trying to do good advertising. Just think about how many people here now know about this shoddy shop

2. They're likely going to stick to their guns and not help you out. Not much you can do, unfortunately. The vehicle is yours, and ultimately you are the one responsible because you DID leave it with them. And it sounds like you didn't ask them to secure it inside the shop.

Sucks tho.. hate to have to learn a lesson this way.

Re: what do you think? need opinions! :(
Sunday, November 27, 2005 12:26 PM
i didnt ask them because i thought they would have enough common knowledge to do it, guess not...lol

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