i was rearended the day after state college modifyed madness 2005

This is a b4 pic of the car

sue the bejeezus out of them

Land Pirates sail the open roads
DISCLAIMER: If anything I say offends you, I don't care..wear a helmet. Also, the information
I post is what I know to the best of my knowledge. If I am wrong, please correct me so that
others as well as myself may learn.
Premium sinc 6-17-04
may 23 i was driving to biglots in clearfield p.a. and i was at a dead stop when 2 dumb retards go flying past me in a 1 lane rode and this dumb hoe going 55 rams right up my arse and totales my rear end and my tail lights and sound system are gone i am getting ripped off $100 from her insurance cuz there saying the drivers seat was wrinkled b4 the wreck and it was not i had to move it back up from it having to be laying the whole way down after she hit meand then yes it wrinkled but i am hopefully geting a 2002 soon same blue and evreything is power so no more window cranks for me! but this really sucks cuz they took the loaner away from me after 1 week and now i hafta walk or ride the bus to work or were ever i go and i never should have sold my beeter the week b4 this happend

land pirates cavalier wrote:sue the bejeezus out of them
would if i could but she was fined $800 for speeding and dangering 3 lives and i really cant cuz her insurance co. droped her this was her 7th wreck in 2 years

Damn, if you have the money i'd still take her to court for some kind of money in addition to this, if anything to ruin her credit.

Click Sig For Pics
FieryOne wrote:Damn, if you have the money i'd still take her to court for some kind of money in addition to this, if anything to ruin her credit.
i really dont know what to do i am still in shock ya kno it was my babby i was about to put a body kit on it too

I think your neck is starting to hurt!
Sue her. Buy a the 2002. Modify it. Put a body kit on it. Have money left over!
thx alot i just feel like @!#$ cuz of all this i dont have a ride any were any how ..... so i might hafta so i had a body kit for on it and i still doo its just i never got it on in time lol but thats a good thing i guess

if its her fault get a rental for now and sue for the cost of that as well. its not your fault she hit you and now you have no car to drive. and why does it matter if her insurance drops her cause she would of been insured during the accident. wouldnt she?? get your money out of them.
dude it dont matter insurence dropped her or not she was covered at the time of the accident thats all that matters. they have to pay and yes you can sue them cause again at the time she was covered. you should still be in the rental her company has to pay
for it cause it was her fault and again she had coverage.
do yourself a HUGE favor and call a lawer hopefully its not to late to rake her and her
insurence company over the coals. you should be getting paid big time for an accident like this i know i did. i had some dumba$$ rearend me in my old firebird the guy got
dropped (his 4th accident in a year) they fixed my car paid my rental for 6 weeks paid
my med bills my wifes med bills and my friend that wa in the back seat they paid his bills too. they also gave each one of us an out of court settlement check for $8000.00
EACH!!! i didnt even have to get a lawer just mentioned it to the adjuster and boom
like magic everthing was takin care of.
do not let them screw you call a lawer!!
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Women drivers, that says it all
That sucks man. She had insurance at the time, so they have to pay you. you should be able to just tell them you are thinking about getting a lawyer and they will give you allot just to stop from being sued. Good luck with everything
jackalope wrote:dude it dont matter insurence dropped her or not she was covered at the time of the accident thats all that matters. they have to pay and yes you can sue them cause again at the time she was covered. you should still be in the rental her company has to pay
for it cause it was her fault and again she had coverage.
do yourself a HUGE favor and call a lawer hopefully its not to late to rake her and her
insurence company over the coals. you should be getting paid big time for an accident like this i know i did. i had some dumba$$ rearend me in my old firebird the guy got
dropped (his 4th accident in a year) they fixed my car paid my rental for 6 weeks paid
my med bills my wifes med bills and my friend that wa in the back seat they paid his bills too. they also gave each one of us an out of court settlement check for $8000.00
EACH!!! i didnt even have to get a lawer just mentioned it to the adjuster and boom
like magic everthing was takin care of.
do not let them screw you call a lawer!!
he is right , also you should have a rental untill you get a new car at their expense
her ins has to pay , or you need a lawer
i agree get one and sue her
exodus 259 wrote:Women drivers, that says it all 
Ain't that the truth.
Just the other day I came across a lady reading a book as she drove down a busy highway. I should have honked at her and watched her drive into the ditch.
Well just be careful when tackling the insurance company. They have a hundred tricks up their sleeves.. I work for Mercury Auto Insurance and was rear-ended by someone who also dropped their insured the next day..
The only real way the insurance company can deny coverage is if there were undisclosed drivers on the policy (they don't have to be in the car, just undisclosed household members with drivers licenses will deam the policy null). Or if she was cancelled prior to the accident obviously, she would not be covered. But don't just let them tell you "she has too many wrecks we dropped her," tell them she was covered when she was hit and you would like to know what the coverage issue is. If they have nothing other than that, then talk to a lawyer. You could very well sue for the costs and if the lawyer thinks the case is good, hit them for bad faith (generally propery damage claims need to be taken care of within 30 days of the accident). But don't just let them drop that line of @!#$ on you.
The one thing insurance companies do not like, is getting demand letters from attorneys. Because that means they are going to have to pay their attorney to represent them in court, which is costly. So alot of the times when an attorney sends a demand letter they end up paying the damages because it will be cheaper in the long run and save their company time and money. So definately get with a lawyer on this.
im not sure about your state but in md even if the person was dropped but the accident happened with a months time of loss of coverage the insurence company has to pay anyway. a freind of mine years ago got nailed from behind by some old dude doing
almost 60. the old guy had been cancelled a week before for like 3 or 4 hit and runs involving parked cars but they stilled payed out
sue sue sue and sue some more. infact sue a couple times for me too and everyone here at jbo.
make sure you get one of those ambo chasing lawers there the best!!
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
i am geting a new car the same exact car exept a 2002 and power evreything

[quote=97cavie24ls(JDM cav sedan�)]
jackalope wrote:dude it dont matter insurence dropped her or not she was covered at the time of the accident thats all that matters. they have to pay and yes you can sue them cause again at the time she was covered. you should still be in the rental her company has to pay
for it cause it was her fault and again she had coverage.
do yourself a HUGE favor and call a lawer hopefully its not to late to rake her and her
insurence company over the coals. you should be getting paid big time for an accident like this i know i did. i had some dumba$$ rearend me in my old firebird the guy got
dropped (his 4th accident in a year) they fixed my car paid my rental for 6 weeks paid
my med bills my wifes med bills and my friend that wa in the back seat they paid his bills too. they also gave each one of us an out of court settlement check for $8000.00
EACH!!! i didnt even have to get a lawer just mentioned it to the adjuster and boom
like magic everthing was takin care of.
do not let them screw you call a lawer!!
he is right , also you should have a rental untill you get a new car at their expense
her ins has to pay , or you need a lawer
Not true- I dont know what state you are in but I work in Insurance- the minute a car is deemed a total loss they dont have to pay rental anymore... state law in most places... sorry
you arent getting the car back- so they dont have to give you something to drive in until its returned, their compensation is paying you ACV of the vehicle that was totalled
Jwle143 well yeah if its totaled. But then you get a check its all good anyway. And
shame on you you for working for those crooks ( I'm shaking my finger at you )
But I guess if it pas good what the hell.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
well thats one way to take care of those ugly @$$ tailights
sorry to hear that bro..... had the same just happen to me.....find a new car...............and make her her biatch by way of a lawyer... thats what im doing
Shush Weasel..i want my shirley temple
sue the hell outta her, thats all i gotta say, unless shes really hot, then work out some other forms of payment