Well I was on my way to work and since I had extra time, I stopped at Jack in the Box for breakfast (I know, not to healthy). I backed into the parking space about a foot from the curb. So I get inside and decide that the line is to long and wlak out. I'm walking thru the parking lot and hear somebody just laying on the horn, so naturally I look up. Look up just in time to see a Ford F150, who was thring to back into my spot, just slam into my car. Of course I yelled a few choice words at him. He gets out claim he didn't see it, but I feel that is

. Since he was driving a company truck, he supervisor came out and took pics of the truck sitting on my car. I also had my camera in the car and started taking pics. The film is at Wal-Greens right now. Once I get them I'll post them.
I called his insurance company and they told me I'd hear from an adjuster in 48 hours.

. I want them here today. So she told me to go get a few estimates to get the ball rolling. The estimate is $2290.52.
The front body kit needs to be replaced. The hood, too. He guy it me so hard the body kit actually came loose from the wheel wells on both sides. So those also have to be replaced.
I hope I'm fixed up before the Bash. I would be really pissed if it wasn't finished.
Ok. I'm gonna try to load these pics
I also went to a dealer for an estimate on repairs. They showed me that the right fender is slightly bent and needs to be repaired
I wanted to call that "How's my driving" 800 # on the back of the truck, but my girlfriend convinced me not to.
the best part is you got the truck number and license plate number!!!
and you DEF. shouldve called the number!
"umm..yeah, you're rear bumper is sticking in my front bumper..."
suggest they get stickers that say, "How's my parking?" hahah
I've acctually seen stickers that say that. No Joke
Heck yeah, definitely should've called the number,
"Uhm, here's the information... his truck is currently sitting on my car - I think his driving sucks!"
I would have called the number. Tell your gf that times like these are not when it pays to be nice. Be an A-hole and get your car fixed.
<img src="http://www.j-body.org/registry/americanred/deplysig.gif">
Thanks, Kris. I knew there was one for the STL Metro, but I didn't know where it was.
Ok. I got a call from the aduster today. They are cutting me a check for $2,300. I'm gonna get a differnt front bumper and hood. Here's the pics.

They will be painted black.
Here's the front bumper:
Here's the hood:
I'm gonna post pics of the damage without thetruck on the car, the rental car, and the finished result as soon as I have them.
So let me get this straight. You had estimates done for 3,000 but they are only giving you 2,300?? Am I missing something?
They had me go to another shop for estimate. That's why it went down. I took it to a Cadilac dealer knowing that they would be friggin expensive. That's where the 3k came from. Oh well. This was back in April. I'm surprised this is still here. LOL
$3000.........still at a loss for words......
Seeing as though the Front clip was urethane and is $450 by itself BEFORE paint.
Also needed a fender, wheel well liners, hood, plus labor and supplies, paint. I thought it was cheap. I should have said I had whiplash when I had to jerk my head up . I could have got a lot more.
I should have said I had whiplash when I had to jerk my head up . I could have got a lot more.
and that my friend is why my insurance tripled when I molved to STL with a PERFECT driving record....

P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq
Call e-surance. They are pretty good on MO rates.
STLWACO wrote:Call e-surance. They are pretty good on MO rates.
I dont think you understand......Im not going with some BS company that doesnt protect me for @!#$.....I told you this at the house....I have checked around...Tim Schillings wife even looked into it for me.....

P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq
i had 4300 dollars damage cdn and they fixed it.

maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow....... but some day