so um yeah, sunfire vs school bus. i think yall can figure out who won that battle. its aint pretty.
i was at a stop sign. i looked left. then right. i saw the bus turning onto the street i was turning right onto. i look left again and start pulling forward. BAMM!! there was a truck parked in the street and bus swerved to miss it, came into my lane and demolished my poor sunfire.
i will certainly miss her. she treated me very well and i loved her very much.
Are those my riax rims? They look exjactly like mine. Whered you buy theM?
BOOSTED BABY wrote:Are those my riax rims? They look exjactly like mine. Whered you buy theM?
Yep they are just like yours lol. He bought them from CLC who bought them from a friend.
Damn, that sucks bud.
Cone filter didn't even survive.
ive seen cars in worse shape be fixed.
ive seen a sunfire in worse shape fixed.
ive seen a RED sunfire in worse shape fixed.
you can rebuild her.
I'm tired of wasting my time... now I'm breakin' free.
For some reason, when I read the headline I was picturing some sort of mismatch drag race. I was disappointed.
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HardcoreXSunfire wrote:sunfire vs school bus. i think yall can figure out who won that battle
Glad your ok, pics of the bus?
Ouch. Glad your ok
The big question is, are you going to get another j-body?
What the hell? Did the school bus driver just go right up and over it? Well at least THEY will be paying for this mishap, especially if the driver came into your lane.
4 Cams...32 Valves...5 Liters...This Could Get Fun!
Skunk - Now With Petey wrote:Well at least THEY will be paying for this mishap, especially if the driver came into your lane.
Nope, they are trying to put it on him. I have a feeling he'll get the short end of the stick in this case.
well how can that be if he was sitting still the bus swerved over the yellow line and hit him?
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
thats some crazy @!#$, but i am sure it could have been a lot worse. i would talk to a lawyer if they are trying to dick you around on the responsibility for the accident.
Qwibby {T3H Old QBE} wrote:well how can that be if he was sitting still the bus swerved over the yellow line and hit him?
b/c its a schoolbus. most times, the courts will side with the bus driver over anybody else.
JBO Stickers! Get yours today!
RIP Sunny.
(I just now thought of a nickname)
This really sucks man.
If you get another jbody, you gotta get something with a real motor this time
that sucks. But coming from a stop sign, they will argue that you cannot pull form it without it bing clear, you can argue the lane change but they will argue that it was clear it wasn't safe to pull out form the stop sign or the accident wouldn't have happened. Good thing you are ok though.
I see no painted lane lines on the pavement in those pictures....?
Sorry about your car... at least you didn't get hurt. Buses are like trains... they always win.
Taken from the news:
According to a spokeswoman with Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) bus# 790 was struck by a vehicle that ran a stop sign.
and from another new source:
Officials said a vehicle clipped the bus from behind as the bus made a right turn.
Apparently nobody knows what really happened, and the bus driver probably lied his ass off. Either way you're probably screwed.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, May 14, 2009 12:58 PM
yeah im thinking im screwed. the bus driver lied and said i ran the stop sign. i promise i didnt. but of course the police sided with her. plus, the police around really dont like midfied vehicles. there has been alot of street racing and stuff. so, i get screwed and lose my baby. the driver swerved to miss a truck parked in the street. its BS!
im gonna try to get another J. i learned so much in the year that i had my Fire. im gonna try to find an LSS! we'll see what happens
HUGS Sorry that happened.... atleast you are physically okay.... I would honestly beat the crap out of anyone that hit BOB knowing I wouldn't get anything for him and he has been sooooo good to me for sooooo long.... I would do whatever it took to get him fixed....
That one picture is classic though of the bus looking like it's just driving off while your baby is just sitting there all hurt.
dont school buses have cameras on them watching the driver?? if so u could use that video and see if she swerved or not
DaDdYoF2LiLgUyS wrote:dont school buses have cameras on them watching the driver?? if so u could use that video and see if she swerved or not
this is true. im gonna have to look into this