I'm aware of most of the details on the Caravan hub swap but there's one thing i'm wondering that i have not been able to find. I'm aware that the 1985-1990 model rear hub works, however, i am having great difficulty finding one of these vans, i have less than a week until my next race and i don't feel like spending money on another Cavalier one only two destroy it again in 2 races.
I have found a few 1991-1995 models, which i've been told you could get with a 5x100 bolt pattern as well, but not all of them, if it has a 14" rim it's 5x100, if it's 15" rim it's a different bolt pattern. I'm wondering if anyone knows if using one from one of those models assuming one of the ones i know i can get parts from are the 5x100 bolt pattern is the same as the older model or is at least as easy to make work with the Cavalier's as the older models.

96 2.2L, #66 on the dirt track
as lonf as its the same bolt patern it should work.