So far my best time is 16.3@84 with a 2.4 60ft. Kind of a let down, I was hoping for mid 15s. But atleast I'm having fun. Oh n the droid app aDyno is a piece of junk!
no @!#$. what's up with that? mod's?
I just made a post in performance about my mods to discuss what the problem could be. Im still shaking my head in shame lol.
I kinda thought that app was gonna be off quite a bit...MPH doesn't seem too bad. The 60ft is affecting your time the most...get it down to a 2.2 and you'd probably be handy to a high 15.
I thought the app would be off but not by that much lol. I need to get more seat time and learn get off the line without spinning. Also as discussed in the thread in the performance form I am going to change out my intake manifold to let the top end breath more. If that doesnt help my lack of high rpm power I will upgrade the cams.
I need to practice practice practice.
Zs Z wrote:So far my best time is 16.3@84 with a 2.4 60ft. Kind of a let down, I was hoping for mid 15s. But atleast I'm having fun. Oh n the droid app aDyno is a piece of junk!
it probably is junk app, but people seem to forget that in order for that app to be accurate, the info you enter needs to be spot on
and yes practice can do wonders

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
Im considering drag radials for next season, I also plan on the 99 grandam control arms and poly bushings. I am also interested in the possibility of a limited slip or tire fire did not help me at all.
drag radials on a 15-16 second car is a joke, save yourself further embarassment
Darkstars wrote:drag radials on a 15-16 second car is a joke, save yourself further embarassment
LOL please...
if he's doing something that makes him happy and trying to better himself who gives a @!#$?
how is it embarrassing to try and better ur times? at least he knows what to try... which is more than i can say for a lot of people at the track.
with drag radials and lots of practice with a different intake manifold i think the car could run a 14. 14's in a jbody pretty much only requires about 150whp.
Underdog Racing
z yaaaa wrote:Darkstars wrote:drag radials on a 15-16 second car is a joke, save yourself further embarassment
LOL please...
if he's doing something that makes him happy and trying to better himself who gives a @!#$?
how is it embarrassing to try and better ur times? at least he knows what to try... which is more than i can say for a lot of people at the track.
with drag radials and lots of practice with a different intake manifold i think the car could run a 14. 14's in a jbody pretty much only requires about 150whp.
And for the record it wouldn't be further embarasment because I am not embarrased. Just simply sharing information. If I was embarased I wouldn't have posted the time. Plus there's no wrong in wanting to get your 60' down no matter how slow the car is.
Throw on slicks and skinnies and try to break into the elusive one fives lol
Quads FTW
Darkstars wrote:Throw on slicks and skinnies and try to break into the elusive one fives lol
Quads FTW
Maybe I will lmao! I want you to realize I have other things in store for this car. This setup was really just a conglomeration of collected parts. It was purely experimentle. So be negative, crtitcal, sarcastic, or whatever floats your boat. I could really care less.
Dudw, when you run 16's with a 85 mph trap traction is not your problem.... Just saying
Darkstars wrote:Dudw, when you run 16's with a 85 mph trap traction is not your problem.... Just saying
I understand what your saying now. But traction was an issue I had and I'm concerned about that. Especially when I put the built engine in. I do realize there are other issues with my current setup that are holding me back though.
traction might not be a 'problem' but with even better 60's come better times and thats what its all about.
Underdog Racing
put some slicks on and do launches off of the rev limiter. Your 60fts will come down then.
And I knew that app would be off, but that's a lot. lol
Any ways, at least you posted up real times and confirmed that app is $h!T.
First, you don't need slicks or drag radials.
I've been running 15.6's forever on standard street tires with a 400 rating for traction. My 60 foots have been a consistent 2.2's with the occasional 2.3 so your 60 foots are reasonable for sure. My best 60 foot has been a 2.09 at a well prepped track in which I run my best 1/8 mile on that run so I know it's possible to do on normal street tires with a high traction rating.
I also think that you're running an autotragic transmission too so here's some tips that got me into the 15's with alot of practice that you may not have to do to get into the 15's.
First, don't worry about your et's and only your 60 foot times.
Second, tire tune the car with tire pressures, and here's how you do that.
Have a foot pump inflater with you in the trunk and a good air gauge. Start your first run with the pressure you normally use on the street and note your 60 foot times and take a pressure reading on your front tires immediately after the run. This is your hot pressure and it'll probably be higher than what you started with.
Now take off two pounds off of your original pressure reading before you did your first run and do your second pass with that lower pressure. Note your 60 foot time and recheck your pressure again to see what it is.
Reduce your pressure another two pounds and make your third pass and note your 60 foot times.
You should start to see your 60 foot times start to come down as you're lowering your pressure.
Continue to do this until you see your 60 foot times going up and then revert back to the pressure that gave you your best 60 foot time and you've not got your best pressure for your launch, your best 60 foot time, and hopefully your best et.
Use this pressure every time you go to the track and make sure that you continually check your front tire pressures after every run to maintain that consistency in your times.
Next is your launch rpms and where to launch with your autotragic transmission.
With my setup which involved the 4t40eh tranny, I'd launch around 1500 to 2000 rpms and nothing more. The stall speed on these trannies is about 2500 so anything more is a waste and launching from the rpms listed above yielded me the best 60 foots and quickest launches while also maintaining a consistent approach to racing down the 1320.
Three years of drag racing and bracket racing on a weekly level and most times twice a week has given me this information to go from an original 16.7 in my Z to my best and consistent at the time 15.6's.
Above all practice and practice some more as doing all this takes some time to master but you should see some improvement with your first 4 to 6 runs down the track the next time you go.
Also try cleaning your tires before your run by just letting them break traction but not actually doing a burnout. I usually do this twice before I stage so I know the tires are clean for the run. Stay out of the water box and go around it if possible.
Good luck.
Let us know if this helps the next time you go.
Newbie member since 1999
Thank you Dave and JBO!