I went to the track for the first time ever today. After ALOT of trial an error, i got the car to not spin and didnt miss a gear all tha way down. ran a 16.46 @ 83mph. i know i can get it lower. i eased off the line to keep from spinnin, an shifted too early in 2nd. with a little more practice i think id b able to hit low 16's any hope for a high 15? Im jus wonderin wheres a good launch RPM, and what kinda times can be expected out of these 2.4's stock?
i got a 16 flat with auto

8 psi with m62 and IAT under 100
that track was so congested it prevented me from getting into any kind of "rhythm" . i was gettin kind of pissed because the track was ever- changing. there was a lite sprinkle ever now n then. its really a matter of my tires not jerkin round after i take off, n shiftin when i need 2.
I ran 15.4's the first time I took mine to the track. I was launching around 3-3500 rpm with 20-25 psi in the tires. A little wheel spin isn't bad. When you launch and your car bogs down, give it more rpm. If you spin and spin, give it less rpm. It just takes practice. What were your 60' times? They should be around 2.2-2.3 seconds.
A "stock" LD9 with "bolt on's"....
The Most I ever Ripped my Engine down was to replace the Oil to Air separator.
Ive seen everything from 15.9-14.9 out of stock Z24's with nothing done to them.
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08
i dont care what who says they've ran.
you cannot compare their times to what you run on you're track. until that person races you on the same night on the same track, comparing track times is futile.

Familiar Taste of Poison.
The last thing people want to hear is the the "driver mod" is the most important part here... or that there are other variables.
'02 Z-24 Supercharged
13.7 @102.45 MPH Third Place, 2007 GMSC Bash SOLD AS OF 01MAR08