Well, track night here in San Angelo. Current weather:
Humidity: 66 %
Wind Speed: S 14 MPH
Barometer: 30.02" (1014.6 mb)
Dewpoint: 60°F (16°C)
Visibility: 10.00 mi.
(Elev. 1847 ft)
Temp: 72°F (22°C)
Out of 5 runs, 2 with passenger, the best I could pull off was a 16.821 @ 81.15MPH. Not too shabby. This is with full interior, spare tire, tools in the trunk, and 1/2 tank of gas. I thought I was gonna use more, so I put in $5 before I left. Ah well.
Slip is as follows:
R/T ----- 1.078
60' ------ 2.479
330 ----- 7.051
1/8 ----- 10.829
MPH ---- 65.70
1000 --- 14.057
1/4 ----- 16.821
MPH ---- 81.15
That was my very first run, the R/T got better the more I ran. The best I got was .906. Still not too great, but hey, I'm learning. One of my favorite runs was against a Mazda 6. It was kitted out with an intake and exhaust. It ran the 1/4 at 16.485 and I got 16.887. I had him all the way up to the 1000, where he finally got by me. I guess the 4 speed auto got the best of me.. ah well...
Now, time to mod! Coming soon: Tein Basics Coilovers/dampeners. Pacesetter Header. Magnaflow 2.25" High Flow cat. 2.25" Exhaust w/ Magnaflow Muffler. AEM (or ebay) Intake.
Stay tuned!
R/T time is just bragging rights, they do not effect your 1/4 mile time. You literally could sit on the start for 10 seconds before you hit the gas and still walk away with a 16.XXX time slip.
What has the BIGGEST effect on your times is the 60' time. Get that down, and your 1/4 will drop as well. Since you have an auto, that will come down fairly easy. The more you pratice launching without the tires letting go, the better your 60' will be.
None the less, soulds like you had a good time, and that's what it's all about.
Damn...thats slow as ****. It's still ablout a 16.5 corrected (if you ran it at sea level)
Hopefullly they will get alot better for you.
RE Audio
You post up the humidity and dewpoint of the track but can't post up which engine you have.
If It's a 2200 then that's an alright time.
teh Sunfires... (Tom) wrote:You post up the humidity and dewpoint of the track but can't post up which engine you have.
If It's a 2200 then that's an alright time.
It's uhh... in the registry. And it says 2000 Z24 in my siggy bro. 2.4L TC w/ the 4 speed Auto Tranny. Also, engine light and a bad O2 sensor which might make some difference as well.
your 60' is, well, terrible..... you need to work on getting out of the hole better, especially since, having an auto, the launch is really the only part you have control over for the whole run. You don't have to worry about shifts, so getting out of the whole or adding more power/removing more weight are the only things you can do to get faster.You need to shoot for at least a 2.2 60' time, better if you can, but that would be at least average around here. 2.4 is just, well, as i said, terrible. I'm pretty sure there are people who could run a 60' that fast
My guess is that tire spin isn't the issue, but rather you are most likely bogging off the line. What is your launch technique? Do you just wait for the lights to drop and go, or do you powerbrake and hold a certain RPM?
Arrival Blue 04 LS Sport
'Nuff said
Well, I don't got much experience w/ this car launching... so I just held the brake until about 1500 rpm's and floored it once it turned green. Now that I think about it, I should do what I did w/ my old Corsica. mash the brake and give it gas till like 2500 or something, then leave it be once I let off the brake. Then mash the gas so I don't bog it down or anything.
I'm searching around the org for the best answer...
Scarab (Jersey Jay 1.8T) wrote:your 60' is, well, terrible..... you need to work on getting out of the hole better, especially since, having an auto, the launch is really the only part you have control over for the whole run.
i dont think this is true at all with the auto, which i have one its more about how you hit the gas not just pounding it to the floor... i got a 15.6 in my eco.....
Corsica Dude wrote:Well, I don't got much experience w/ this car launching... so I just held the brake until about 1500 rpm's and floored it once it turned green. Now that I think about it, I should do what I did w/ my old Corsica. mash the brake and give it gas till like 2500 or something, then leave it be once I let off the brake. Then mash the gas so I don't bog it down or anything.
I'm searching around the org for the best answer...
Man whenever I do that, put my foot on the brake and rev my car up to 2000 ,2500 my tranny heats up and only revs to 4500 through all the gears down the track