launching with spec stage - Racing Forum
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ok, whats the best technique to launch my 03 cavy with the spec stage 3 clutch and rksport flywheel?? everyting i tried either bogs the engine or spins the tires bad.........anyone got some advice for me, im going to the track friday and don't wanna look like an ass. btw im also running my 17's with 225/45/17 tires (i know i'd do better with my steelies, but i don't have access to them right now so i gotta run with what i got)
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(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
let some air out of the tires, best to have a small 12v air compressor (cig plug in), pump up the tires before you drove home, try 20psi start there
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ok, i'll try to lower pressures....anyone else got some good tips......what rpm ect......
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Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
hit it HARD!
if you know racing you'll know that term...start at like 4500RPM. i guaranteee youll spin but start high. work your way down to a RPM where it hits hard but doesnt bog

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26 clutch is gonna take some getting used to if i can launch at 4500.......on the stock unit i tried that once and thought the car was gonna snap in half. i'll give it a sure you know what your doing, running a 13.6. Im still a noob to the stage 3 clutch and pretty new to drag racing, so i guess im still testing the water with the clutch......but i'll try it out at high rpms, and let you know what happens.
thanks a lot man
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Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
hey...if you dont like it ill take it

i need something stronger than the factory one

I used to race cars, now I race myself.
5K PB: 24:50
10K PB: 54:26
no no, not saying i don't like it......just saying that its gonna take some adjustment to get used to the fact that i can beat on it and not hurt it........hell, i love this clutch
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Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
try not dumping your clutch, the Spec stg III has a pretty quick engagement so itll be tough to do but riding your clutch a bit so you get no bog but no wheel spin is ideal...practice and practice you look like an ass for a while (I do), oh well, no racer was perfect when they started, including the RWD auto trans guys (which are a fu*k of a lot easier to launch than a manual FWD car)...other than that, get some drag tires
2002 LS Sport coupe
Truly practice. You will have to try different things until you find what works best for you and yor car. Dumping the clutch might be whats best. Also might not be. I dump my clutch, but I have traction as well. With that clutch and your tires you are gonna have a hard time.
FU Tuning
yeah i know, i wish i could get to my stock tires, but i just cant do it this time....oh well, i think i'll still have fun with it
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Hail Satan
(slayer, skeleton christ, 2006)
I launch mine at about 3,000-3,500rpms and dump it, right when i start to see boost.... still spins like crazy, but dumping the stage 3 is about all you can do with it.
I would think 3,500 would be good for a stock engine too, ass they start making power around that rpm... dont launch lower than 3,000 or you will look stupid lol.
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