on the Ecotec...
What is the hose going from the intake piping before the throttle body to the valve cover?
Can you cap off the valve cover? or put a small filter on the spout coming off it and cap the other end???
Does the valve cover need to breathe????
Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
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yes it needs to breathe, and its a recirc, just burns the vapors and fumes and any oil that comes out of it. just leave it as is, not hurting anything.
Just kind of looks like a peice...
Could I put a small breather k&n style on the valve cover?
Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
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yes you can, but no gain will happen, and odds are at high rpm, you will blow oil out of it and it will make a mess.
Huh... I really dont want that
Anyone do anything to make it a bit more attractive than an ugly rubber hose?
Thanks for the help guys
Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
* More to come *
You can add a Stainless Steel braided sleeve kit to dress it up a bit. It makes it look a little better in my opinion.
Save your money. It might be worth something someday.
You could also use a silicon hose if you want. The necessary footage from any place that sells the stuff wouldn't be too pricey.
2010 Honda Fit LX
You have to be careful about putting a breather on it. In some states that have emissions testing that is illegal.