would i be able to fit a syclone motor in my 02 cavi?
it would be that easy? i wouldnt have to do a powertrain swap or tranny swap?
how about the new turbo cobalt ss motor?
Anything can be done with time and lots of money. If your honestly asking those kinds of questions, step back....FAR away from the car, and start doing some reading.

M62, 42's, ZZP 3", ZZP S3 H/E
214whp 190wtq
what the hell is that supposed to mean?
means you are not taking the right steps to finding these answers and are most likely not qualified to be doing the swaps but its ok if you search you may learn how to do it... trust me that s what i have been doing.
Korey Blubaugh wrote:what the hell is that supposed to mean?
It means that your a dumb @!#$ who is too retarded to even think about one of these swaps.
Save yourself from future embarrassment and do some searching. The answers are on this website.

2003 Cavalier 1SV
Bagged and Blown
yea u know what i am too fu**ing retarded to even think about doin one of these swaps. i dont know the first thing when it comes to motor swaps. so go f*** urself fa**ot
well I think that went well , don't you?
lol it wasnt u. thanks for the info
Korey Blubaugh wrote:i dont know the first thing when it comes to motor swaps.
then start doing some research on the subject.

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!