Hey guys i just got my license and ive had it for 10 days. and i was wondering how to gain horsepower the least expensive way. cuz rite now its just a dd and was wanting to fool around with it to make it faster. so any suggestions?
Did daddy buy your Redline too?
and no, extra HP = out of YOUR price range. Maybe ask mommy or daddy?
cheapest way to get hp out of a cav is sell it and buy a new car lol
cheapest and horsepower in the same sentence generally ends in an explosion. please learn to drive before you try to build a fast car.
87 Firebird
All stock...........lol.
mommy or daddy. what thats my step moms new car. its just that i like it a lot and wanted a pic of it. are you kidding me like id get that for a new car. i have a 1998 pontiac sunfire. ya im one of those rich kids that dont give a hoot. NOT!
Either A) hes lying or B) all you guys just got burned HARD for your stereotyping. HAHAHA.
um defanitely B. b/c i get so pissed of all the people thinking kids that are 16 years old and get their licencse are either a ungrateful rich kid who cant drive or just a kid who cant drive, Im neither so just keep on stereotyping does ya the best.
Trevor Dicks wrote:um defanitely B. b/c i get so pissed of all the people thinking kids that are 16 years old and get their licencse are either a ungrateful rich kid who cant drive or just a kid who cant drive, Im neither so just keep on stereotyping does ya the best.
You sound very.................................16.
And though it may not sound so, that was intended as an insult.
and you sound very much like a...............................................20 year old.
Maybe he's 20 but he's still ages ahead of you in maturity.
Face it, 16 years old CAN'T drive even if you think you can.
Trevor Dicks
- it's not because your are one that you need to ack like one. You may feel tough behind your keyboard but you ain't gonna win. Plus, if it's your step mom car, how come it's in a dealership parking lot with no plates?
It kinda overheats, besides all the bad stuff its a great car. I put on a 3A racing exhaust to make it a little beefier.
HAHA, fix it right before thinking about horsepower. Racing exhaust? what is that? Fart can with a big sticker on it?
Also, forget about horsepower, you have an OHV, it's more like a whooping 90 hamsterpower.
2.3 Ho
what the @!#$ is 3A racing exhaust ?????? A muffler does @!#$ for you son, take off the fart-can, do reading......lots of reading, your mentality of exhaust is going to kill you alone, and for 16 you should spend more time in school, more time on JBO searching and reading, plus know your stuff first
"As I lay rubber down the street, I pray for traction I can keep, but if I spin and begin to slide, please dear God protect my ride." -Amen
3A is an ebay dealer haha. also do some research im willing to help ya with what ever questions ya have so long as there not as dumb as the original question you asked lol.