Anyone try it?
Worth it?
How difficult?
I assume I would have to change the Tranny, and the CV Axles, and custom fabricatte an exhaust as well, but anything else?

Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
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it would be a one off custom piece. if you have the $30,000+ to drop on a cav that wont be any faster than a properly boosted and tuned eco, then by all means, go ahead.
JBO Stickers! Get yours today!
it would be retarted
just biuld the eco to beat whatever car came with that motor.
biulding the eco would be thousands of times simpler than dooing all the fab work to get a honda motor in there
honestly, if you really think that great of the h22, just buy whatever car it came in and drive that. it would be fortunes cheaper
when you beat someone in a civic people wine and make excuses
when you beat someone in a cavalier they pull over and check under thier hoods
you guys are idiots it came in a 96-01 prelude and will eat a cavy for breakfast and it wouldnt cost u near 30 000 if your not an idiot

Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
* More to come *
Alright... well that was my buddy signed into my name
I have to say 30K would be a little high price tag for that swap though, but I think I will just boost my Eco

Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
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oh man, I know for a fact that a Prelude would NOT eat a Cavi, At least not mine,and mine is closer to stock than i wish. I have raced them them and unless they are modified,they still have quite a torque deficiency.Im not saying that cavis would have a chance on a highway or long straightaway, im just saying from what i know,not assumptions,that on a dragstrip they wont tear a cavilier to pieces like your expressing,win or lose its a close race,
back on topic,The cost will vary depending on weither you have acsess to alot of the things needed for fabrication,and the amount of knowledge you have on both cars, My personal opinion wouls be to build the ecotec motor
but as a fan of frankenstien engine swaps it might be worth it for the "wow" factor,as it will definantly be one of a kind. If you do proceed,good luck.
By the way,keep your friend off JBO. lol
There was some peopele on bcj that tried to fit a honda setup and it was too wide for thr frame rails from what i everyone says..eiter buy a honda or boost the eco...make your "buddy" eat his words...phil
h22's aren't cheap motors....a boosted eco will SMOKE a stock h22 motor in a car of similar weight. boosted eco is likely going to be less money as well. As for fitting between the rails and such of course i have no idea....just doesn't seem practical. A lot of effort to really not gain all that much. Now if you were swapping an LS1 or something, now we got some extra power potential
i would kill to see that,and would instantly be declared the most badass car of all time
That would be akin to spending 10,000 to restore a trans am and swapping in a V6. The Prelude is heavy and the engine makes little torque. My friend had one some spec or some other variation, said it made 220 hp or some nonsense. still didnt help him when i left him in first gear.
if you have a h22 lying around use it in a 88 civic hatch, the body will be cheap and its light enough you wont miss the power steering you will have to delete.
It is a good motor, but your thinking of the wrong canvas.
Lacuna wrote:i would kill to see that,and would instantly be declared the most badass car of all time
yeeeaaaaaa...not to sure about that
Jay Corkum wrote:you guys are idiots it came in a 96-01 prelude and will eat a cavy for breakfast and it wouldnt cost u near 30 000 if your not an idiot
I just can't stop laughing, a STOCK eco will eat a prelude for breakfast. To make it a fair race tell your buddy to race a sedan with an ecotec and have at least four friends sit in the car with you. Still laughing by the way.
lol this is just great, i owned a 00 Z24 with a few mods (intake, catback, urethane engine and tranny mounts, and centerforce dual friction clutch) and i raced a buddy that did a H22 swap into an accord with several mods, and i think he may have beat me by 1-2 car lengths....... so why not just boost the eco and kill any H22 you come across boosted or not??
check out gm's performance stuff for the 2.2 ... its unbelievable.. really.
stick with the 2.2... use the money and bulletproof the bastard.. you'll have to worry about twisting your cv's off the line.. rather than... can i beat that guy?
its crazy for how much power you can get .... starting page 281 gm performance catalog.. they have everything for a 2.2 build
GM Performance
"Z24 Dustbunny"
putting that motor is will mean custom everything, let alone to hours and hours its going to take to wire it up. imo its not worth it. if your looking for a fast car, do what was mentioned and boost and eco. it will save you the headaches, man power and money.
Guess no one seen the pinks where buddy had a h22 in his civic hatch running a 125 shot....guy wasnt even into 13' slicks! yah the h22
Philly D wrote:Guess no one seen the pinks where buddy had a h22 in his civic hatch running a 125 shot....guy wasnt even into 13' slicks! yah the h22
Was he driving the car right? =S

Buddy Club Ecotec Cavalier
* More to come *
Chris DeNisco wrote:Lacuna wrote:i would kill to see that,and would instantly be declared the most badass car of all time
yeeeaaaaaa...not to sure about that
a LS1 cavi? that would rock harder than anything....ever
you know, the newer monte carlos come with a front drive ls 5.3................................sombody get me my welder
when you beat someone in a civic people wine and make excuses
when you beat someone in a cavalier they pull over and check under thier hoods
i have an h22 in my car... but that would be a 99 prelude. personally wouldn't see it being worth the time or money to put it in a cavy.
| '89 Z24 Auto | '99 Prelude 5spd | '04 GS500F | '05 HD 883L |


.....I think I pissed my pants
The amount of custom fab and money required to put a 22 in a cavalier is not even close to worth it. For the same money or tons cheaper your ecotec would eat a 22 for breakfast.
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
mmmm..... breakfast...... lots of eating goin on in here.....