I feel stupid But how can i tell if i have a ecotec Motor, It a 1999 z24 convertible
Ecotecs began being put in J's in late 2002 LS Sports, and all 03+.
The Z24 you're looking at has a 2.4l in it.
Tony harden wrote:I feel stupid But how can i tell if i have a ecotec Motor, It a 1999 z24 convertible
if it says Ecotec on the engine...its probably an ecotec. if it says 2.4, its probably a 2.4
2.2L Ecotec (only in 2002 (limited) and up)
there's a 2.3 and a 2.2 non eco, but im lazy
That 2200 looks like @!#$. Im glad mine is pretty (accept for those damn headers)