I've had stupid ideas since I was young.
Giving me a jbody and assuming I would leave it alone is a stupid idea that other people have.
I have a beater.
I like roofracks.
I like beaters with roofracks.
They beat well.
I shall make a basket for my roofrack in time.
And lights... soo many lights

Beaters are quiet.
They float over bumps. They are soft and cushy and if I need to, I can jump a curb and escape some other motorists' idiocy.
I have lots of spare ecotec parts. Nobody will buy them. Whatever am I to do with almost an entire ecotec swap laying around?
eco swap my beater.

I had a roll cage kit for the skwirl that obviously can no longer be used (RIP skwirl). No one will buy my cage kit. I cannot weld it because NHRA will not accept stick welding.

sometimes people need to get out of the @!#$ing way
move, bitch
hmm... I need a really strong anchor point for this to work right...
bye bye old flimsy ass rad support
Haha I'm the first to say awesome progress should be interesting and creative as always.
Finally! Can't wait to watch the progress on this thing.
Btw I vote for urethane mud flaps as well.

"In Oldskool we trust"
Once it's lifted a bit, you should use some of the tubing to make sliders.
Mr. Quick wrote:Once it's lifted a bit, you should use some of the tubing to make sliders. 
This lol nice progress sir
Yessssss, I have been waiting for a build like this
Most versatile sunfire ever???
A 4 door beater sunfire on stock ride height with roof racks, after market bumper crash guard and soon to have lights (lamps I hope)
This is so ludacris I love it...
What's next, an absolute gnarly spraybombed paint joint and tow hitch/wench and beefy ass tires?
Hot damn, this might be the best thing since sliced bread.
I like where this is going!
I'm probably gonna fabricate a push bar for my roof racked beater too and adding some more spotlights, but on the roof!
I'm happy that I'm not the only one with such crazy ideas!
Very nice Paul...I like it.
I love it! I vote bomber paint job lol
f-ing awesome dude.
I'm in to see the finished product, if that ever happens. Hell I hope it doesn't.
Pneumatic ink cannon for the tailgaters
Camo soo camo best idea ever! All terrain sunfire

I Love My J ♡
I beat you to this a while ago.
I rally this car.
If you add lights, UPGRADE YOUR ALT
Sad part is even after we talked about it I still said to myself, "nah not even PJ would do that"
I will never underestimate your mental retardation ever again.
Olive drab please.
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
jamie fix wrote:I beat you to this a while ago.
I rally this car.
If you add lights, UPGRADE YOUR ALT
Any more pics of the car? Did you lift it at all? Details?
Mr. Quick wrote:jamie fix wrote:I beat you to this a while ago.
I rally this car.
If you add lights, UPGRADE YOUR ALT
Any more pics of the car? Did you lift it at all? Details?
It's got a .5 inch lift on it
I've got more photos, but I saw this at 5am. I'll post more this afternoon when I can get to my computer. If you search for my name, you'll see fairly recent photos of the car, minus lights and basket.
Mr. Quick wrote:Z24Sunfire wrote:I love it! I vote bomber paint job lol
I vote camo.
Combination of both! Camo with a bomber mouth and sh!t lol
small stupid update.
my push bar eats holesaws and arbors for breakfast lunch and dinner.
buying more and giving it another go today/tonight