lots of the mods are very similar to mine. I like that idea for tapping the CBM adapter for the EGR canister or whatever it is. The LS1 has a spare port but the Vortec does not...so Ive been debating how to get another port to run to the canister (on top the power steering pump). Do you think it would pose a problem if I have one side of the adapter spraying methanol while the other side is supplying a line to the egr/evap canister or whatever that thing is?
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
blu04DD wrote:lots of the mods are very similar to mine. I like that idea for tapping the CBM adapter for the EGR canister or whatever it is. The LS1 has a spare port but the Vortec does not...so Ive been debating how to get another port to run to the canister (on top the power steering pump). Do you think it would pose a problem if I have one side of the adapter spraying methanol while the other side is supplying a line to the egr/evap canister or whatever that thing is?
The fitting is for the evap purge. but yeah. you took the idea right out of my head. what you stated is exactly what i have planned.
the evap purge pulls air from the tb though right? so would it be a problem if you were spraying and it pulled it getting methanol into the evap purge? or I guess those would be on different cycles..like at WOT when you'd be spraying you wouldn't have a problem with the evap purge because its not activated or something. right now mine is to atmosphere but I want to get it hooked up, I think I had it in my intake before but that's out right now while im still finishing the rebuild.
04 Cav. 2dr. 5spd. My DD. 'Nuff said.
I think you have it backwards. i believe the purge used the vacuum created by the TB to pull vapors FROM the tank and burns then in the air charge.
Here is an update. The 'Fire isnt my dd anymore, so i can play again. Got the PVC system set up to atleast kinda function for now, and added new 90degree am fittings to the water tank for the heat exchanger.
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here is the pic of the tank fittings.
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i need to clean things up and really get back in there and make this engine bay look good.
Did a few things that past few weeks.
I had been having a battery drain. If it wasn't started every 8 hours or so, the battery would die. Well tested a few things, and determined that my radio was shorted or something and draining the battery. Pulled the fuse, battery has been fine since. This helped me to decide to pull the whole stereo out. Its been sold already. In the place of the H/U I am going to make a gauge plate/holder/ and install my OP, AFR, and boost guages.
I'm so jealous of that tank.
EDIT: Never mind that was a stupid question..
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, November 19, 2013 10:52 AM

"In Oldskool we trust"
Forgot about that thread, I actually posted on it
Anyway, thanks man big help.

"In Oldskool we trust"
nothing drastic, and no pictures to post as of right now, but been working on the fire a few hours a day lately.
Got the old gauges and pod all ripped out and got a good a piller cover securely installed. I also got the old radio all removed, along with the amps on the back of the seats, and the sub in the trunk. Took out the passenger seat to remove all the wiring, and cleaned up things a bit. Reinstalled some fasteners that had been missing from a few panels.
Does anyone know any tricks (besides heavy sound deadener) to stop rattles in the door panels?
EvoFire wrote:nothing drastic, and no pictures to post as of right now, but been working on the fire a few hours a day lately.
Got the old gauges and pod all ripped out and got a good a piller cover securely installed. I also got the old radio all removed, along with the amps on the back of the seats, and the sub in the trunk. Took out the passenger seat to remove all the wiring, and cleaned up things a bit. Reinstalled some fasteners that had been missing from a few panels.
Does anyone know any tricks (besides heavy sound deadener) to stop rattles in the door panels?
The spray on sound deadner they have at autozone works good with light rattles, make sure you don't spray over bolts I did it pita to get a socket on it.
Blue Boosted Penguin wrote:EvoFire wrote:nothing drastic, and no pictures to post as of right now, but been working on the fire a few hours a day lately.
Got the old gauges and pod all ripped out and got a good a piller cover securely installed. I also got the old radio all removed, along with the amps on the back of the seats, and the sub in the trunk. Took out the passenger seat to remove all the wiring, and cleaned up things a bit. Reinstalled some fasteners that had been missing from a few panels.
Does anyone know any tricks (besides heavy sound deadener) to stop rattles in the door panels?
The spray on sound deadner they have at autozone works good with light rattles, make sure you don't spray over bolts I did it pita to get a socket on it.
did you not see the part that says besides heavy sound deadener? lol
EvoFire wrote:Blue Boosted Penguin wrote:EvoFire wrote:nothing drastic, and no pictures to post as of right now, but been working on the fire a few hours a day lately.
Got the old gauges and pod all ripped out and got a good a piller cover securely installed. I also got the old radio all removed, along with the amps on the back of the seats, and the sub in the trunk. Took out the passenger seat to remove all the wiring, and cleaned up things a bit. Reinstalled some fasteners that had been missing from a few panels.
Does anyone know any tricks (besides heavy sound deadener) to stop rattles in the door panels?
The spray on sound deadner they have at autozone works good with light rattles, make sure you don't spray over bolts I did it pita to get a socket on it.
did you not see the part that says besides heavy sound deadener? lol
It's not heavy a can covers both doors can weighs no more then a can of paint if that's to heavy idk what else you could use.
Here is a pic of the faceplate i made for gauges. they are not hooked up yet...was tired of looking at a hole in the dash.
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Did some work yesterday. Found what could be the root of the electrical problems I have had the past year or so, and over all had a good day in the garage. On to some pictures to explain things.
First up is a pic of the old starter-battery cable. I had been having electrical draw issues, on cold cold mornings, or if the car had set to long the battery would be dead. Pulled the radio and stereo out, and things got better (or so I thought). I think it got better because I was driving it more trying to find the issue, so the battery was being used just enough.
Second is where the battery used to be...What happened? Where did my battery go? UH OH!
Third is the new battery location. I took the two Shuriken BT20's and wired them in parallel. They are each 850 cranking amps each, 600CCA from what I could find, and have reserve of 20 amp hours. I am not saying this is the PRIME idea for battery choice, but its what I had so I used it. Together these only weigh 27.4 lbs. All the wire is 4 guage, Terminals are soldered and heat shrinked. The only thing I am going to change, is I am going to put it in a batter box. (per nhra rules), put the master cut off, and change the main power wire to all copper.
Yikes glad you found that wire. Interested to see where you put the cutoff switch and how you decide to wire it. That's been keeping keep from relocating mine (out of laziness). Also, still jealous of that reservoir.

"In Oldskool we trust"
um not sure why the double post...
the switch will have a plate made that will go where the drivers tail light it. I will bolt it in when needed, and take it out when not. all the wires will still be attached to it, but ill tuck it away in the trunk just for normal driving. should work fine. I need to find a battery box, or even find out if i need one since these are AGM batteries.
EXACTLY how I'm planning to do it lol. I think you still need a box, at least my local track requires it for my agm battery.

"In Oldskool we trust"
Havent snooped around your thread in a while. I like the gauge pod where the radio used to be.
Well, went to change my rear strut mounts today, and forgot that the Gravana/B&G shaft is bigger then stock. Instead of changing back to stock style mounts, I just cleaned and greased the solid ones, and put it back together. The spring was rubbing on the cylinder that comes down from the plate making noise. Hopefully I got it fixed and problem solved.
Just read your whole thread and awesome work man!