Last fall I bought a 03 cav from a local j-body group member. It had a few mods done and now this is my journey to making it something......better
This will be a very slow progress thread but it is what it is.
Today I decided to remove my cruise control and relocate my ecu. I dont know if im going to bother relocating the cruise or just leave it off yet.


Car in all its dirty glory
The rims I bought last year from a jbo member......cant recall his name but they are painted indigo blue and really look great when the sun hits them. Ive got an idea for a new paint color...ill be getting a shop of it shortly.
I should add that I added the carbon fiber and billet caps a bit ago. I have the rest of the billet caps as well but need to find some carbon inserts for them. Ill get some interior shots tomorrow when im ou working on it to show what ive done in there.
Steve's from Michigan I think. He also had the blue cleared carbon fiber hood. Looked awesome. It looks really good like a nice clean slate.
Yes..thats the guy I bought them from.
Its a decent slate to start of those looks good from a distance but not as much close up slates lol. Ive been spending most of my time cleaning it up and fixing little things.
Those look like Steve's old rims from Michigan.
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
Looking good Phil!
You have good taste and will make this car twice as good as before.
Well today Mike(1fine89) and I did some work on it. Ive been really holding off of doing to timing chain tensioner since ive heard alot of horror stories. But after alot of debate, reading and taking the proper precautions we did it and in the end was damn easy. But talk about stress on the first start up!
While I was at it I swapped it over to my polished LSJ valve cover and gave the bay a bit of a wipe down. Didn't bother going to crazy since...its Vancouver'll rain tomorrow lol.

This is the interior...Car came with the leather seats, and I added the leather shift boot and ebrake boot

I also added Black cat Autometer cobalt series look gauges and also the 3 gauge bezel with the interceptor, boost and oil pressure. I may be adding my wideband to it as well I haven't decided
Where did you get the shift and ebrake boots?
FU Tuning
Addicted to meth wrote:Where did you get the shift and ebrake boots?
I had a leather one made at a Redwing Boot store... believe it or not. Cost me $25 but was perfect for the short shifter so it didnt cut into the material like the stock one did.
Gotta ? PhillyD..Do those boots come with the bezel?? Oh yea car looks great bro!!!! Keep up the good work!!
Thanks man....still waiting to see a progress thread on yours
I relocated my cruise control module to behind the firewall.
Looks like a great start.
Nice J...
99z for 2015.. I'm back bitches
Love the car Philly! Love the subtle improvements your doing, keep it up!
I this Wade's old old car. After whom ever bought it and eco swapped it?
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
I dont know the guys name off here but it was a local member here in Vancouver BC, Canada.
Yea its slow comming but should be picking up here real soon.. Oh yea I dont know how to upload pics on here but if I can figure it out Im gonna start a build thread and show better pics of my cavy..But yea bro Im all in on this one and I will be watching this.. Again GREAT JOB!!
Pretty sure I know the old owner... his name escapes me atm. He frequented when it was
The car was very well taken care of while he had it, makes me jealous to see how well we took care of it. LOL
I did a small photo shoot with it during Hot Import Nights in Seattle back in 05 or 06 I think..... ah, I'm rambling, regardless this car is very nice, and your doing a great job making it more so.
^^The old owners name was Al Pollon (sp) I know he was in a couple car shows I dont know which ones.
Overall it was a great car to start with although there is definatly things that need sprucing up and im slowly getting to them. Im anal when it comes to pretty much everything so it takes time.
This week/end the trailer hitch is going on and maybe start on my intercooler setup.
very well executed J. keep up the good work.
Today I put on my trailer hitch. I do alot of downhill biking so its a must!
Funny story is this hitch was originally on this car a while back and I was going to buy it from the the previous owner but it got sold to another guy.....I happen to know him and I bought it from him and back it goes onto the original car lol.
I took the time and wire wheeled it and cleaned it best I can and then used a ton of Tremclad on it and let it bake in the sun for a couple weeks.
And the reason I love this hitch is because it is almost totally un noticable.....a real "hidden hitch"
mmm...Koni Yellows. Can't wait to reinstall mine. Car looks great. Like the trailer hitch for the same reason you mentioned...can only see it if you know its there.