Addicted to meth wrote:FINALLY!!!!!
jimmyc99z24 wrote:Not parting with the trans it's staying in the car. Basically i've put a set of HO cams back in it, thiiner head gasket to bump compression and left the ported head bigger tb on it. Gonna just do a mild N/A setup and drive the car come summer as my daily until it sells.
Blwn LD9 wrote:Nice work Tim. I wish I could drop my motor out like that. I do not have a lift, so my motor has to come out from the top
Bobby Higgins wrote:Is that an Izuzu trans?
Because mine looks way dirrerent.
jimmyc99z24 wrote:Not parting with the trans it's staying in the car. Basically i've put a set of HO cams back in it, thiiner head gasket to bump compression and left the ported head bigger tb on it. Gonna just do a mild N/A setup and drive the car come summer as my daily until it sells.
-Z Yaaaa- wrote:no offense but why would you sell the car with such a rare trans installed? some idiot kid will probably buy it, not know wtf he has and rap it around a pole and the trans will end up getting crushed at some redneck junkyard somewhere.