for being "beginner" HDR's you did a MUCH better job then most. You don't have pictures that look crazy over processed with glowing halos around every dark edge that meets up to a light background ect. But the pictures do look kinda flat and graying. It's like all the highlights are missing. not bad though. I'm a fan of Sony cams
looks like pooo

not really i love you jeffy (no homo you bastards geeze)
Ryan, Thanks a lot, I love your pictures and that means a lot, I'm sure it will look a lot better when I get a better place to take some pics as well.
Paul, You are gay.
atomhouse wrote:Those aren't HDR.
How so? They are High Dynamic Range images taken with 3 step Exposure Bracketing for High, Mid, and Low tones. They were processed in Raw format for a higher color gamut and at three different exposures to achieve that look, resulting in a higher dynamic range. Just because I didn't make them look fake doesn't mean they aren't HDR. It's not video game, surreal HDR.
I blended images using the 3 Raw images of each shot with HDR software and Tone Mapping and tinkering with Exposure Fusion and Tone Compression. It's not like I went to Photoshop and used Surreal High Contrast in the HDR Toning filter, which looks cool but much too fake. I did not want it to look like a cartoon. If you think I am wrong, some explanation or some help to fix it would be nice, instead of just saying it's not HDR.
agreed and the interior pic looks REALLY good. I like it a lot. But very clean pics. not overly aggressive angles just nice pictures.
Thanks Vince, I really appreciate it. That is what I am going for, and I love your pics, so it means a lot as well. I need a good location and that would make them so much better.
Larry, That is awesome. I was just thinking that I needed a new sig. I will definitely use that, it looks great and saves me work. Thanks a lot ! Also, I would kill to find a place to take pictures like the one in your new Sig. I tried to leave credit to you under the sig, but the sig is 600x200, so I couldn't but thank you, ill tell anyone if they ask lol.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Thursday, May 05, 2011 9:24 PM
once my car gets some paint fixed, reposlih some stuff we will go out and ill show you a few of my spots

some i havnt used ever with the blue car lol.. yay mini photoshoot??
Photos look great... location could be improved. lol.
your interior is reall nice more pics?
think atommouse thinks there not HDR's because as darkstars said you didn't overcook them and like most people tend to do with hdr's i hate overprocessed HDR's as well. on my screen at work which is overly bright the pics still look way dark to me. still a bit underexposed even for an hdr. definatly need to find a better backgroun then where these were shot. background is boring and distracting all at once lol.interior shot turned out pretty good. tripod definatly helps with hdr. might try bracketing 6 or 7 shots and upping the exposure a bit.
we will have to go out and get some pics as a group one day. hopefully my car will be up and running in a few weeks.!/Square1Photography
pics look good and i agree with above statement ....paul is pretty gay
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Looks great, I love the interior shot. Damn I want a new camera
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
Darkstars wrote:for being "beginner" HDR's you did a MUCH better job then most. You don't have pictures that look crazy over processed with glowing halos around every dark edge that meets up to a light background ect. But the pictures do look kinda flat and graying. It's like all the highlights are missing. not bad though. I'm a fan of Sony cams
agreed with all of this.. however i can't really judge, i've never successfully done HDR
i hate silver cars for photos.. sucks when you get no actual color or depth in the photo because silver is such a unreflected flat color(like white etc). that is my reason for never caring to take photos of my @!#$
i really like this car. looks good man, keep it up
pics look nice, love the gauges and hood....droool
Dark interior shot is bad ass - the rest of the pics seem a little TOO dark.
Leave the shutter open a little longer! I just picked up an NEX-5, Sony cameras are schweet.
Looks good, though. Keep practicing!
Stephen (manta z) wrote:Darkstars wrote:for being "beginner" HDR's you did a MUCH better job then most. You don't have pictures that look crazy over processed with glowing halos around every dark edge that meets up to a light background ect. But the pictures do look kinda flat and graying. It's like all the highlights are missing. not bad though. I'm a fan of Sony cams
agreed with all of this.. however i can't really judge, i've never successfully done HDR
i hate silver cars for photos.. sucks when you get no actual color or depth in the photo because silver is such a unreflected flat color(like white etc). that is my reason for never caring to take photos of my @!#$
im kinda looking forward to getting mine done to go out and take some pics. wanna work on my night shots. need a couple more flashes.!/Square1Photography
I really appreciate the compliments on the car, I have tried to spent a lot of time keeping it clean and doing tasteful mods, and it was so sad watching it covered in snow and crap over the winter, so it means a lot to have it cleaned up and people seem to like it.
I plan to get some Engine pics but got to clean up the S/C and IDI cover first and also get pics of the Audio setup, but the wires are a mess since I did it all in like Feb. and didn’t have time to clean up my wires yet. I did take a few more night shots of the interior to post. I plan on trying to find a place in town to get pics in the day tomorrow, so I can get day shots of the interior and find a better background.
I know what everyone is saying about it being too dark, on my desktop it looks fine, but when I went out to my 27” Apple Cinema Display it was too dark. So I should have done the editing out there. I apologize. I guess that is one lesson learned so far. I may get Aperture for Mac as an alternative for the Windows software I am using now and try it out. Also, I think I tried to bring in too much contrast and and deepen the picture, when really it just darkened it.
**As for taking the pics, I am taking them at ISO 100 in Aperture Priority Mode, and using the 3-step Automatic Bracketing. And letting the Shutter Speed do its own thing and leaving flash off. I am new with anything besides point and shoot cameras, so ignore my ignorance. I am blown away by a lot of the pics I have seen on this site and great photography def. does something for me, but YouTube videos are all I have to go on so far. So tips are great.
Here are some random quick shots taken tonight, I will try to get more at a better location tomorrow during the day. I wanted to get more pics but spent all day at the muffler shop but I had the complete exhaust redone and it sounds amazing. Not at all raspy and the S/C sounds way louder. I had a lot of trouble with the old one.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Friday, May 06, 2011 7:20 PM
did u use the tripod in tese last 3? look a little blurry.
if you want to get into pic taking you should take a look at getting your monitor calibrated. ive been wanting to get mine calibrated but havnt wanted to shell out the money for it. calibration kit is like $100 bucks or so. but you can have huge diffrences in moniters just because people moniters are all out of wack, my one at work is super bright. one at home is closer but im sure is off a bit.
what head unit is that? looks like my pioneer avh 3300 that i just put in the trailblazer.!/Square1Photography
Yeah, well the tripod is kinda big, and there was no where to sit it, so I was using it, but it wasn't holding as still as it would have on the ground.
I will look into the calibration stuff, but since I have the 3 monitors, it would be a pain in the ass to make sure they are all right, unless I just have to set one and use the same settings on the others, but I will just start editing photos on the Mac, Since its a really high res and high quality display, I'm sure it looks a lot better than these. I looked at the pics on it and they were way dark, so I think the Mac is right, and these others are not calibrated correctly. They are using the settings out of the box.
Its the AVH-3200DVD, so pretty much the same, yours is this years, that one is last years, got it for 232 shipped on Amazon around Christmas, so I couldn't pass it up. Did you hook up a relay for the video bypass? Ben and I wired it and soldered the relay and put it behind the dash so you wouldn't need a switch or anything. Works flawlessly.
Stephen (manta z) wrote:Darkstars wrote:for being "beginner" HDR's you did a MUCH better job then most. You don't have pictures that look crazy over processed with glowing halos around every dark edge that meets up to a light background ect. But the pictures do look kinda flat and graying. It's like all the highlights are missing. not bad though. I'm a fan of Sony cams
agreed with all of this.. however i can't really judge, i've never successfully done HDR
i hate silver cars for photos.. sucks when you get no actual color or depth in the photo because silver is such a unreflected flat color(like white etc). that is my reason for never caring to take photos of my @!#$
I agree. I've tried a few times, but failed. Even with a tripod, i still managed to move the camera, messing with the buttons and adjusting the ISO and such. And I don't know whats worse, a flat looking silver, or clean black that reflects EVERYTHING.... hahaha
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Karnage wrote:Yeah, well the tripod is kinda big, and there was no where to sit it, so I was using it, but it wasn't holding as still as it would have on the ground.
I will look into the calibration stuff, but since I have the 3 monitors, it would be a pain in the ass to make sure they are all right, unless I just have to set one and use the same settings on the others, but I will just start editing photos on the Mac, Since its a really high res and high quality display, I'm sure it looks a lot better than these. I looked at the pics on it and they were way dark, so I think the Mac is right, and these others are not calibrated correctly. They are using the settings out of the box.
Its the AVH-3200DVD, so pretty much the same, yours is this years, that one is last years, got it for 232 shipped on Amazon around Christmas, so I couldn't pass it up. Did you hook up a relay for the video bypass? Ben and I wired it and soldered the relay and put it behind the dash so you wouldn't need a switch or anything. Works flawlessly.
well once you have a calibration kit you can calibrate all your screens so they were all the same. just because the mac showed it being underexposed doesnt mean that the colors on it are nessicarily right. i wouldn't worry about it to much though.
yeah ive been happy with mine all except the cheap mounting brackets, when i go back to install all my audio wiring im going to make some brackets out of steel instead. and yeah i added the relay in. was trying to go cheaper on the headunit but i needed something to work with the screen in back. so this was about as cheap as i could go and still have a quality head unit. definatly sounds better then the stock one. but it wont be long before im wanting to upgrade the crap stock speakers.!/Square1Photography
Those are not HDR, I'm sorry but they're extremely flat. HDR is a piece of @!#$ anyway and not flattering to shooting cars in the first place, so don't even bother. Just makes you another fanboy with a little point and shoot.
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