I was leaving campus today when i realized somebody had torn a piece of the silver piece on my tail light off.

So i decided what tha hell and took the rest of it off.
(sorry bout the crappy cell pics)
and here is a quick pic i snapped the other day
and thanks to Trey Reed for the help.
People are D bags. It ended up for the better though. The light looks a little smoother now.
yeah people are assholes, but i like it better without the silver chevy piece. I have a gold emblem on mine, but it doesn't extend out like yours did, just the chevy emblem
Allen wrote:and thanks to Trey Reed for the help.
your welcome, you have my number so feel free to text me whenever
now lets take those side moldings off and lose the my chevy thing then the outside be looking good

2010 Lonestar Bash 2nd place J-Body Street Class
You know, I really like the way it turned out. Sucks that people are incredible douches but it looks alot smoother.
i like it better, sometimes you gotta thank the asshole
Well, I started to take my side moldings off, and about halfway through the first one on the driver side door, i saw that it was the color was not the same as the rest of the door. It was the tan, champagne color. So, it looks like the side moldings are staying on until i get some money to paint it.
*correction*- I saw that the color was not the same as the rest of the door.
looks like it was in a previous accident.
I talked to the previous owner, and she said that they had the whole automatic window mechanism completely collapse and decided to go to a junk yard and pull one from there, instead of trying to fix the old one.
Allen wrote:I talked to the previous owner, and she said that they had the whole automatic window mechanism completely collapse and decided to go to a junk yard and pull one from there, instead of trying to fix the old one.
oh dang

2010 Lonestar Bash 2nd place J-Body Street Class