mirrors look cool. but id paint the sails .
yeah, its that fake stick on C/F, im gonna take that off before i put them on
bradsk88 wrote:Those look weird.
x2, Won't flow well on a subtle driver like yours.
The look good except the sails though!
Those look terrible.
2002 Yellow Cavalier LS Sport *SOLD*
2000 White Cavalier Sedan
Check it out! -->
well the car looks stock right now, but i got a deal on these and couldnt pass them up lol, i plan on buying 2 front bumpers putting one on the car then going and hacking some front bumpers in half and playing with bits and peices in the 03+ bumper
Need to see them on car for better judgement
I never really thought those mirrors looked good on a J.
lol@ Jason
~2014 New Z under the knife, same heart different body~
2012 numbers - 4SPD AUTOMATIC!!
328 HP
306 TQ
you're gonna hate them real quick, my old m3 mirrors were hell to see out of, those will be even worse

I love me! Install and take some pics!
I had the APR mirrors on the car when I bought them and I thought I'd take them off immediately. I always hated the look but they were too damn functional to take off. The mirrors were tinted cutting down glare and they were both convex mirror and I had zero blind spots, even with the roll bar and Recaro seats.
Eternal wrote:Need to see them on car for better judgement
RIP JESSE GERARD.....Youll always be in my thoughts and prayers...
Any time Ive ever seen them on a J they just seem way to small and out of place on them.
But if you are set on them good for you now paint the sail cause the fake CF sucks lol.
Want hub spacers? Shoot me a PM.

I have these on my car... you can't see @!#$ out of these, but they are great looking.

that bolt in the top ruins it for me.
I don't think they fit the car. Especially with ventshades. But if u like um keep um.
I loved them on my old Cav. Had no issues seeing out of them either.
ive never been a fan of them. doubly so now that i see the pic of that bolt in the top
I think they look pretty good other than the bolt. Paint it black or something. lol.