well, i got in a accident, some truck hit me on my way to work and i lost control and hit a 18 wheeler
thank god im still alive

found this 01 for 500, it runs, interiors pretty bad, one side mirror missing and a dent
That's too bad about your car, were there any injuries? Sounds like you are doing okay, which is the important thing.

nope, good thing no one got hurt
yea i think its fixable, now im thinking of putting that 3800 sc now
glad to see ur ok. goodluck man.
Good thing the ECU was right out front to take the brunt of the force away from the rest of the car!......... lol
Glad you're ok, 18 wheeler + Cav doesn't often end well.

Paying someone to install parts and bragging about it being fast, is like watching someone bang your wife and being proud to raise their kids.